
| 9 | 本會的社會房屋計劃,「甦屋」在過去一年亦有 穩步的進展,除原有兩所分別位於油麻地新填 地街及新蒲崗的甦屋相繼啟用入住外,道教組 織「道光道德會」主動接觸本會,借出位於新填 地街第一間甦屋隔鄰的該會物業,讓本會成立 第三間甦屋。裝修經費由周大福慈善基金撥出, 並由甦屋計劃原班義務建築師及設計師策劃裝 修工程,計劃在 2018 年 9 月完工後入住。此外, 本會積極聯絡香港社會服務聯會所推行的社會 房屋計劃,選擇合適單位,在市區其他地方建 立更多的甦屋項目。 隨着本會更生康復服務的綜合化,去年開始啟 用的「服務資料及數據統一電腦系統」(簡稱 ORSIS ) 系統亦持續進行優化升級,一方面將應用範圍 擴展至其他相關服務,包括法院社工、職業發 展服務及宿舍服務,亦配合更生康復服務綜合 化需要,提升數據分析及輸出設計。此外,本會 的精神健康服務亦籌劃建立類近的 ORSIS 系統, 將全會資料處理進一步數碼化。 精神健康服務 本會的精神健康服務大部份為社會福利署資助 服務,在滿足津助及服務協議服務水平的同時, 亦著重服務手法創新、發展社區內不同持份者 的夥伴關係,運用已復元人士的優勢,創造更 多的服務效益。 隨著社會福利署持續增加對精神健康綜合社區 中心的資源投入,包括恆常化朋輩支援員編製、 增設社區「教練」隊等,綜合社區中心的工作範 圍,更趨廣泛及深入。除接觸較隱蔽的潛在服 務使用者外,透過復元人士的參與,向不同背 景和年齡層的社區人士進行精神健康教育,增 加了解、消除隔膜、促進共融,是本會龍澄坊 和朗澄坊去年的工作重點。 work of this SoUk unit would be covered by donation from the Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation and overseen by the volunteer architect and designer, who had offered assistance on the first SoUk’s interior design, which was expected to be completed for admission by September of this year. Meanwhile, the Society has closely liaised with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to select suitable flats under their Social Housing Programme for operating more SoUk units in other parts of the urban area. Following the integration of Social Rehabilitation Service, the Society has been upgrading the ORSIS system since its installation and commencement of operation last year. The enhanced ORSIS would cover other related services, like Court Social Work, Employment Development Service and Hostel Service, and provided upgraded functions in data analysis and generating more useful statistical output. Moreover, a similar tailor made ORSIS system has been under preparation for our Mental Health Service, thus further enhance the data management of the Society. Mental Health Service Mental Health Services (MHS) of the Society are mainly SWD subvented services. Besides meeting service standards and FSA requirements, MHS emphasizes much on innovation on service model, partnership with stakeholders and riding on strengths of recovered service users to create greater service impact. With SWD’s gradual enhancement of subvention allocation to the services of Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), which included regularizing the establishment of Peer Supporter and adding on Community Coach Team, service coverage and intensity of ICCMWs were further strengthened. Besides outreaching to those hidden prospective service users, deepened involvement of recovered service users to deliver psychoeducation to community groups from various background and age was witnessed. To enhance mutual understanding, combat discrimination and promote harmonious social integration were major focus of both ICCMWs of the Society.