
試行雲端服務及產品 本會與時並進,其下社會企業「明朗服務有限公 司」成功申請「微軟 Office 365 捐贈計劃」並於本年 率先試用雲端服務及產品,包括 Office 365 處理 文書檔案、 Azure 雲端平台及進行線上會議等。 由於雲端服務能夠同時兼容桌面電腦及流動設 備,員工即使進行外勤工作或身處不同服務據 點,都可以輕易存取資料及文件,在網絡上互 相協作,大大提高整個機構的工作效率。 知識管理 本會一直致力推行知識管理,於二零一七至二 零一八年度進行知識分享平台「 SRACPortal 」第二 期的優化程序,新增的專區包括:專業發展及 質素管理、內部訓練、僱員支援、職業安全與 健康、物品借用及物資捐贈的分享平台,讓同 工可以更方便地得到所需知識和功能,本年度 共有 14,717 人次登入平台。知識管理小組亦於服 務單位中試行管理工具,如行動後學習 (AAR) 和 專家訪問等。新入職員工亦可從新入職同工培 訓及知識管理茶座簡介會中,了解知識管理的 基本概念和重要性。另外,創刊號「知識星期一」 亦已出版,以推廣知識管理和分享文化。 服務數據 Service Data 本會使用以下電腦系統支援各服務單位: 系統 System 使用系統的服務單位 Units using the system 電郵及過濾濫發郵件系統 Email and Spam Controller System 全會 All units 知識分享平台 SRACPortal 全會 All units ORSIS 更生人士服務綜合系統 Offender Rehabilitation and Service Integration System 社會康復及支援綜合服務中心、法院社工服務、宿舍服務 Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support, Court Social Work Service, Hostel Service 財務管理系統 Financial Management System 財務部 Finance Division 僱員管理系統 Human Resources Management System 社企明朗服務有限公司 Social Enterprise Bright Services 僱主網絡管理資料庫 Employment Management Database 職業發展服務 Employment Development Service 持份者關係管理系統 Stakeholders Relationship Management System 機構傳訊部 Corporate Communication Division 中途宿舍管理資料庫 HWH Management Database 中途宿舍服務 Halfway House Service 健康教育服務資料庫及管理系統 HES Management Database 健康教育服務 Health Education Service 電子簽名解決方案 Adobe Sign E-signature Solution 全會 All units 「挑戰你.想」手機應用程式 “YouChallenge” Mobile Apps Application 青年培育及創業服務 Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Service Trial in Cloud Services and Products The Society has kept up with the fast-moving world, our social enterprise “Bright Service” has joined the Microsoft Software Donation Programme and has tried out the product and service including Office 365 cloud-based subscription service, Azure and online meetings. Also, regardless of physical distance and types of technology device, the cloud services have enabled staff to easily access data and files, which improve collaboration with others on the Internet and the efficiency would be enhanced positively. Knowledge Management We put effort in promoting effective knowledge management (KM). In 2017/2018, the 2nd phase enhancement of our sharing platform, “SRACPortal” was proceeded for knowledge dissemination and resources sharing, with the new established sections including The PDQM Corner (Professional Development & Quality Management), Trainings, The Employee Abundance Programme (EAP), The Occupational Safety & Health, Lend & Borrow and Donations. This year, a total of 14,717 logins of SRACPortal were recorded. Also, KM working group had applied some KM tools such as After Action Review (AAR) and expertise interview at service units as well as the presentation of knowledge management concept in new staff orientation and K-café. Moreover, the inaugural issue of “Knowledge Monday” has been launched to promote knowledge management and sharing culture. Below is a list of computer systems currently in use by our service units: | 99 |