
「專業精神」是本會重要的核心價值之一。為貫 徹此核心價值,研究及發展部近年於會內致力 提倡「實證為本」的理念,透過不同的研究調查 作「知識創建」的基石,並秉承「知識承傳」的傳 統將研究結果和實證經驗集結並承傳。 實證為本 本部門近年在不同的服務單位致力提倡「實證 為本」的理念,藉以提升服務質素並支援服務發 展。本年亦不例外,本部門於年內為本會創新 住宿服務「甦屋計劃」進行社會影響評估,分析 此計劃的成效及對整體社會的影響性。 此外,本會亦定期進行「服務使用者意見調查」, 藉著服務使用者的意見反饋來持續提升服務質 素。年內,職業發展服務及法院社工服務都進 行了「服務使用者意見調查」。整體而言,服務 使用者對本會服務感到滿意。 Professionalism is one of the core values of the Society. To continue with it, the Research and Development Division (RDD) has recently endeavored to foster a culture of evidence-based practice, promote the concept of knowledge building as well as uphold the idea of knowledge inheritance. Evidence-Based Practice In recent years, RDD has endeavored to foster a culture of evidence- based practice so as to support services enhancement and development. This year was no exception, a social impact assessment was started on the “SOUK Project” to evaluate its effectiveness as well as impacts on the community. Meanwhile, “Service Users’ Opinion Survey” is conducted on a regular basis for different units so as to further enhance our services. During the year, surveys in the form of questionnaire were conducted for Employment Development Service and Court Social Work Service. In general, service users who responded were satisfied with our services. 研究及發展主任發佈「女性吸毒 / 戒毒誘因及後 果」調查結果。 Research and Development Officer presented the “Drug Taking and Quitting in Female: Cause & Consequence” survey findings. 研究及發展主任在國際會議分享復元模式於精 神健康綜合社區中心的評估及應用。 Research and Development Officer presented paper titled “Application and Evaluation of Recovery- and-Strengths-Based Service Model in Hong Kong Mental Health Setting” in conference. | 100 | 研究調查 Research Study