
知識創建 本會一直關注有關社會共融及更生人士重投社 會的議題,並視之為首要的工作範疇。因應社 會的轉變及需要,本會於年內就此進行研究, 探討及了解公眾人士及更生人士的看法,檢視 社會現況從而作出適切的協助,期望令更生人 士能順利重投社會,減低他們重犯的危機。 數據顯示社會大眾對更生人士的接納程度與他 們對更生人士的認知及連繫接觸均有著重要的 關聯。研究指出只有增進大眾及更生人士雙方 的互動及接觸,才能有效建立彼此的互信,並 達致真正接納。至於重犯危機方面,本會探討 了與重覆犯事有著密切關係的因素。研究指出 重投社會的障礙與困難、個人成長創傷、標籤 化感觀、以及缺乏社會支持等因素都與重覆犯 事有著密切的關係。因此建議,預防性介入包 括正向思維及解難訓練等相關服務應適切提供 予更生人士,以助他們重投社會及減少標籤的 影響。此外,個人成長創傷的因素對重犯風險 的評估亦具重要參考,該資料將可有助前線員 工及早發現潛在風險,從而作出預防介入。 知識承傳 「知識承傳」是本部門另一致力提倡的重要理念。 為此,本部門每年特意編製研究及專題探討刊 物「善研」,其編製目的包括:第一,我們希望結 集過往所得的研究結晶與各界分享;第二,藉以 引證及推廣「實證為本」在預防犯罪、更生康復 和精神復元服務中的重要性;第三,在研究及實 證的基石上共同創造一個包容而安全的社會。 今期「善研」以「連繫.重生」作為主題,透過實 務經驗、學術理論及研究三方面與讀者共同探 討社會共融的議題,讓讀者從多角度認識現時 本港有關司法與更生的關係、終止犯罪的概念、 更生康復服務和本土更生研究,以及有關本港 更生的未來發展方向。 Knowledge Building The issues of social inclusion and offender reintegration have always been concerned and are deemed to be essential to the rehabilitation work of the Society. To meet the social needs and changes, the Society conducted surveys to collect different views from the public and ex- offenders on the concerned issues, so as to better understand the present situation of community, hence, to aid in providing appropriate service to ex-offenders with community reintegration and reducing their likelihood of reconviction. The research findings showed that the importance of the reintegration work is to prepare the general public to accept ex-offenders by enhancing their social closeness through mutual understanding and interaction. In terms of rehabilitation, the study explored factors that are highly associated with re-offending. The results indicated that re- offending is highly associated with current obstacles and difficulties, adverse childhood experience, perceived stigma, and perceived social support. Thus, preventative interventions such as positive thinking and coping skills training should be given to assist ex-offenders with community reintegration and to reduce the impact of stigma. Also, childhood factors are seen as important references for risk-assessment tools on early identification of potential future criminal behaviour. Knowledge Inheritance Knowledge inheritance is another rationale upheld by RDD. In view of this, RDD publishes an annual research bulletin namely “Sracpology”. The purpose of this publication is threefold: 1) to build and disseminate local knowledge and wisdom; 2) to promote evidence-based practice and social impact assessment on frontline practices and; 3) to create a platform for sharing, cross-fertilisation and stimulation among various stakeholders of crime prevention and rehabilitation of marginalised persons in Hong Kong. The second is sue of Sracpology focuses on the topic of “Reconnect . Revival”. Through the perspectives of practical experience, academic theories and research studies, the second issue explores the relationship of judiciary and rehabilitation, concepts of crime desistance, rehabilitation services and research findings on the topic of offender rehabilitation with readers. | 101 |