
重視人才培訓 人才發展部致力統籌、策劃及執行本會在職員 工培訓、專業發展、知識承傳等範疇的工作。 年內,本會續得社會福利發展基金資助,以配 合員工培訓和發展項目。 本會除了舉行內部培訓,如:「非暴力危機介入 工作坊」、「服務表現監察制度評審員訓練活動」、 「體驗活動 – 小組解說及引導技巧工作坊」、「公眾 責任保險及機構控制工程保險計劃工作坊」,也 鼓勵同工參與外間培訓活動,如「香港福利機構 中高層管理人員北京考察團」、「低收入家庭及長 者共享房屋德國考察學習團」、「國際預防毒品與 藥物濫用非政府組織聯合會 – 第 27 屆世界會議」、 「 2017 年全國藥物濫用防治研討會」、「第三屆廣 東社會工作本色與本土論壇」等。本會亦資助不 同職級同工參與外間培訓活動,連同會內機構 主導課程、服務主導培訓、前線實務課程、單 位資助活動、海外交流活動等,全年由本會資 助參加培訓的同工共 745 人次。 另外,本會與大學及大專院校保持緊密連繫,為 社會工作學系、犯罪學系、輔導學系的學生提 供實習機會,支援本地社會服務教育的發展。 年內,本會安排 39 名來自香港大學、香港中文 大學、香港城市大學、香港理工大學、香港浸 會大學及香港樹仁大學的學生於不同服務單位 進行實習。 善導培訓中心推動專業發展 善導培訓中心透過提供培訓及相關專業證書課 程,協助現正從事或有志投身更生康復、預防 犯罪和精神健康服務的人士了解犯罪行為、精 神病患、成癮及導致違法的高危行為以及有效 介入手法等範疇。 培訓中心亦承辦本地、澳門及內地機構的訓練 活動,過去一年本會曾為香港樹仁大學舉辦「精 神健康急救課程」、社區藥物教育輔導會的「吸 毒者家庭支援介入技巧講座」。而澳門及內地機 構的培訓則集中在專業的發展和深化,包括澳 門社會工作局社會重返廳「性罪犯的康復及介入 策略」培訓課程、「青少年服務水平 / 個案管理量 表 (YLS/CMI2.0) 使用者培訓證書課程」等。此外, 本會派出資深社工為內地社工提供培訓及督導, 包括「廣州友善中心督導」、「中山督導」、「廣州市 民政局精神病院日間中心社工督導服務計劃」、 「聽聲者講座」及「南海社協會 – 社工督導再提升 計劃」等,協助提升內地社工的專業,也讓本會 社工有更多發揮機會。 Personnel Training Talent Development Division plans, co-ordinates and implements staff training, professional development and knowledge exchange programmes. During the year, the Society continued subsidised by the Social Welfare Development Fund on staff training and development programmes. Internal Trainings were organised, such as “Non-violence Intervention Workshop”, “Internal Training for SPMS auditors”, “Experiential learning- Debriefing and Facilitation in Group work”, “Insurance Workshop on Public Liability and Owner Controlled Insurance Programme”. Also, staff was encouraged to join the external training for exposures including “Study Tour for Hong Kong Seniors and Middle Management of Social Service at Beijing”, “Study Visit to Germany on Cooperative Housing for Low-income Families and Elderly”, “IFNGO Drug Conference 2017”, “2017 China Prevention & Treatment of Drug Dependence Conference”, “3rd Guangdong Social Work Practice Forum”. The Society also subsidised staff of different ranks to participate in external training programmes. Altogether with corporate-led training, service-led training, frontline service training, unit-based training and overseas activities, a total number of 745 staff participation was recorded. Last but not least, we maintained close contacts with universities and tertiary institutions and supported education development in the area of social services by providing placement for students taking social work, criminology and counselling courses. During the year, we arranged fieldwork placements for 39 students at our service units from The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Shue Yan University. SRACP Training Centre Promotes Professional Development SRACP Training Centre offers training programmes and certificate courses for people who are providing or interested in providing offender rehabilitation, crime prevention and mental wellness services, enabling them to understand criminal act, mental illness, as well as addictive and high-risk behaviors, and the effective intervention approaches. The Training Centre also organised various trainings for local, Macau and Mainland organisations such as, the “Mental Health First Aids Course” in Hong Kong Shue Yan University and “The Intervention Skills for the Family with Drug Addiction” of Community Drug Advisory Council. While, the trainings in Macau and Mainland China were focused on professional advancement such as “The Intervention for Sex Offender” and “Training for the YLSCMI (user)” of Social Welfare Bureau in Macau. Besides, supervision projects on offender rehabilitation and mental health service in Guangzhou, Zhongshan and Nanhai district of Foshan were held. Experienced social workers from the society provided training and coaching to Mainland counterparts to enhance competencies in the professions. By acting as coaches, our social workers also gained different exposures in the process. | 102 | 人才發展及職員訓練 Talent Development and Staff Training