
年度重點 Highlights of the Year Our Society was recognised as “The Manpower Developer” Our Society has joined the “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” of The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) and had demonstrated outstanding achievements in the four assessment criteria, including leading a learning culture, resources planning, training and development system and performance management. Our society has been qualified as Manpower Developer to commend our Society on putting the effort on manpower training and development. 本會榮獲僱員再培訓局「人才企業嘉許計劃」 嘉許 本會參加僱員再培訓局推出的「人才企業嘉許計 劃」,在四個評審範疇,包括倡導學習文化、資 源規劃、培訓及發展系統及績效管理,均獲卓 越的評價,並榮獲非政府機構組別「人才企業」 的尊稱,表揚本會在人才培訓及發展工作上的 努力。 本會代表參與在澳門舉行之「國際 預防毒品與藥物濫用非政府組織 聯合會 – 第 27 屆世界會議」。 Delegates from SRACP joined the “IFNGO World Conference 2017” in Macau. 本會總幹事頒發紀念品予資深教練學導 師林美凝博士。 Our Chief Executive presented the souvenir to the Business & Executive Coach, Dr. Pansy Lam. | 104 |