
服務概覽 二零一七至二零一八年度,職員福利會為會員舉 辦了東龍島一日遊、羽毛球同樂日及週年聚餐。 聚餐參加人數超逾往年,本會委員、同工及親 屬合共 187 名,氣氛熱鬧。 職員福利會響應本會六十週年慶典,贊助每位 會員獲皮革證件套乙個,其中 80 名同工在導師 指導下,更親自製作證件套,以作紀念。 此外,職員福利會繼續統籌員工及義工,參加 由懲教署體育會舉辦的赤柱秋季賣物會,並分 別組織籃球隊及足球隊,代表本會出戰社工盃 籃球和足球比賽。 Service Overview In 2017/2018, the Staff Welfare Association (SWA) held a one-day tour of Dong Long Island, Badminton Day and Annual Lunch Buffet. The response to the lunch buffet was overwhelming, having a total of 187 members and their relatives. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Society, SWA sponsored each member for a leather card holder and 80 members even attended a DIY workshop to make their own card holders. Furthermore, SWA continued to coordinate with members and volunteers to support the Stanley Autumn Fair organised by the Sports Association of the Correctional Services Department. We also supported our basketball and soccer teams to join the Social Worker Cup competitions. 職員和親屬歡聚一堂參與週年聚餐,共慶聖誕。 Staff and their relatives gathered together to celebrate Christmas at SWA Annual Lunch Buffet. 本會足球隊獲頒發年度社工盃亞軍。 The soccer team of the Society was awarded the First Runner-up in Social Worker Cup 2016–2017. 籃球隊隊員士氣高昂,爭取勝利。 Basketball team had high morale in the match. 同工親手製作六十週年皮革職員證件套。 Members made their personalized leather card holders. | 105 | 職員活動 Activities for Staff