
| 10 | 今年年初本會與香港賽馬會探討一項創新計劃, 透過為剛離開兒童之家的青年人提供一個共住 空間,與精神病康復者中途宿舍服務創造聯成 效應,共住共融。新計劃構思是將本會現時的 筲箕灣宿舍拆卸重建,新建築物將樓高二十二 層,建成後筲箕灣宿舍將返回原址以新模式運 作,與四樓以上的青年共住空間作多方面多層 次的服務互動,產生協同效應,一方面促進筲 箕灣宿舍服務使用者的精神復元,另方面讓剛 進入成人階段,要離開兒童之家,但家庭環境 並不理想的青年人,在一個支援性的環境內,培 養正向成熟的品格,過渡至守法獨立的成年人 階段。該創新計劃構思在社會福利署及有關政 府部門的支持下,在約半年內,成功獲得馬會 批核撥款接近二億四千萬元,資助拆卸並重建 筲箕灣宿舍之餘,且支持該項計劃的首三年營 運開支。 職業服務及社會企業 去年七月,由香港懲教署支持籌辦、順聯控投 (香港)有限公司以優惠價格租出商場舖位給本 會社企明朗服務有限公司新社企項目「甦爐」,在 港島柴灣興民邨開店試業。甦爐是明朗公司食 品生產及零售的一個新嘗試,大部份僱員均為 更生人士。除服務當區居民外,甦爐亦承接企 業客戶訂單,提供烘焙產品及簡單到會餐飲。 甦爐烘焙店的經營模式較簡單,亦能為剛離開 懲教院所,已受過初步麵包糕點製作訓練的年 青更生人士提供培訓機會及工作崗位。待興民 商場全部裝修完成之後,甦爐的生意可更趨穩 定。 Since the beginning of this year, the Society started discussing with the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) on an innovative project to provide a co-living environment for those discharged youngsters aged 18 or above from the Children’s Home and recovering ex-mentally service users who are living in halfway house. The idea of the project is to demolish the existing Shau Kei Wan House to make way for a new 22-storey building to be built on the same site. While the existing Shau Kei Wan House will be re-provisioned at the first 4 floors of the new building, the 5th and above floors will be co-living space for the youths with provision of facilitative, interactive and collaborative activities. The new building will be a modern facility promoting recovery of residents of Shau Kei Wan House on the one hand, and on the other, to enhance these discharged youths who may not have favourable family environment to receive further training to build up mature characters for a self-dependent and law abiding adulthood in a supportive and nurturing environment. With the support of SWD, the Society successfully acquired a grant of about HK$0.24 billion from HKJC to rebuild Shau Kei Wan House and to financially support the project, tentatively named as “Project Cheery Bay” for 3 years. Employment Service and Social Enterprise With the support of the Correctional Services Department (CSD), as well as having the Sunlink Holdings (H.K.) Ltd. to provide concessional rental for the shop’s premises, the SoBakery of our social enterprise, Bright Services Company Limited started to have trial run at the shopping mall (which is still under renovation) of Hing Man Estate in Chai Wan of Hong Kong Island. SoBakery is a new attempt of Bright Services in food and beverage business to serve local residents. It would also take corporate orders for bakery products, as well as snacks and drinks for parties and company functions. While the business model is relatively simple, SoBakery is opened with an objective to provide job placements and training for newly discharged young ex-offenders, who have received basic training on bakery when they were serving sentences. Upon the completion of renovation of the Hing Man Shopping Mall, the business of SoBakery is expected to become more stable.