
| 11 | Totally after some 4 years of operation, our social enterprise restaurant “MJ”, which was rebranded from the Korean franchise “Chef’s Noodle” closed by the end of last year. To enter into the Food and Beverage business has proved to be a really challenging attempt to our Social Enterprise Bright Services. Over the last 4 and a half years, members of Bright Services, from frontline staff to board members, as well as the Society’s committee members have been making serious efforts to generate the greatest social impact on the one hand, to strive for financial stainability of the restaurant on the other. While facing the very stringent operation conditions, Bright Services did take a bold step to revamp the business model, yet it did not help much and the social enterprise restaurant was closed to reduce financial burden to its mother company with its ex-offender employees be deployed to the other business of Bright Services. Though not being successful, the experience of operating Chef’s Noodle and MJ did bring the Society invaluable insights and learning. Nowadays youths have different ideas on their career life. Sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Society started to operate a 33-month project, namely Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme to foster active involvement, enable positive experience and exposures for disadvantaged youths, who could thus identify their own strengths essential for life planning. Participating youths will be awarded for achieving short-term goals set for themselves through completing quests of the mobile application. Employers, professionals and volunteers would be invited to assist to create quests, offer opportunity or experience, sponsor rewards, and interact with the youths to share experience and professional skills. The Project would take referrals from CSD and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) running outreaching and young night drifter services. The Programme is not a conventional type of employment service, but to break the inertia of youths and stimulate them to think and explore their lives are also crucial steps for preparing youths for their career development. Crime Prevention and Community Education Service Some HK$10 million grant by the AIDS Trust Fund was acquired by the Society to continue operating its Mercury III — Intensive Support and Prevention Programme for AIDS and Blood Borne Diseases (Project M3) for another 2 years. Apart from the injecting drug users and sex workers, additional programmes are developed to serve men who have sex with men, and VTC tests are also provided to them. With the support of CSD, project workers would deliver regular AIDS prevention talks in the penal institutions and promote the Society’s services for inmates. 經過四年多的營運,由韓國專營品牌「韓廚麵」 轉型到以燒烤為主線的「覓炙」社企餐廳,在去 年底結束。經營餐廳對本會社企明朗公司來說 是一項甚具挑戰的嘗試,明朗公司上下同工,包 括明朗董事局成員以至本會委員,在過去四年 多盡心盡力、一方面希望能帶出社企餐廳的社 會效益,另方面要努力爭取餐廳在財務上達至 收支平衡,而餐廳在持續虧損下也曾大膽調整 經營策略,改變食品種類,但在嚴峻的經營環 境下,並考慮對本會社企長遠的財務承擔,決 定結束餐廳營運,更生背境的員工已獲安排到 其他社企項目崗位。明朗公司營運社企餐廳四 年多,不能說是成功,但當中的經驗與學習, 也委實彌足珍貴。 當今年青人對職業前途及生涯規劃可有不一樣 的想法。由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助,為 期三十三個月的賽馬會「挑戰你.想」計劃於今年 開展服務,目的為弱勢青年提供挑戰自我,創 造與社會接觸機會及體驗,發掘自身的優勢, 讓他們為將來的人生路向,作出規劃。計劃邀 請大量不同的持份者,包括僱主,專業人士、 義工等等,協助開發任務,贊助獎品或為青年 提供工作機會,與青年交流分享經驗及專業技 能。青年於應用程式自由選擇不同任務,完成 後獲取獎勵。計劃接受不同社福機構,例如: 懲教署、夜青及外展服務機構的轉介。本計劃 與一般傳統的職業服務似無直接關連,但如何 啟動年青人探索前路,激發他們為將來人生志 向作出嘗試,也是為他們準備工作生涯的一個 重要部署。 預防犯罪及社區教育服務 本會的水銀星三號深入愛滋病及血液傳播疾病 支援及預防教育計劃,今年再次獲得愛滋病信 託基金撥款超過一千多萬元,延續兩年該計劃 的三個項目及開展一個新項目,當中除包括針 筒注射的濫藥者及性工作者等高危組群外,亦 開展男男性接觸群體的預防愛滋病及血液測試 等服務。而在懲教署的協助下,計劃工作員定 期到院所進行預防愛滋病講座,亦宣傳計劃服 務內容,好讓有需要的在囚人士於離開院所後 能繼續接觸本會的服務。