
| 12 | The Mock Trial Justice Education Project has been running for 11 years. The Project would receive grant from the Beat Drugs Fund to operate justice education with a theme on drug prevention in the coming year. Also, the Project will partner with Junior Police Call and the Tai Kwun, the newly replenished heritage supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, to conduct Mock Trial at their venues and to incorporate Mock Trial as their regular educational programme. Unlike other moot court activities that focus on debating techniques, the Society’s Mock Trial is more on instilling proper value of law abiding citizenship through a variety of educational activities, including that “image truth” court hearing competition events. The “STAR Theatre” of the Society staged its crime prevention drama twice over the last year. One being the first performed “Cocoon Angel”, and the other one was “Musical Theatre—Heroes” performed the second time. Both shows earned positive feedback from the audience. Besides, the Society published a new book titled as “Six Awakening lives” written by Ms. WONG Ming-lok telling life stories of six actresses of “Cocoon Angel”. And a press conference on result of a study on female drug abusers was conducted on the new book release event to arouse public concern on plights faced by female them. Central Administration Since 2018, the Performance Based HR System has been in full implementation to foster a culture of striving for excellence among all staff members. Whereas salary review (including additional salary increase or lower increase rate) and contract renewal arrangement will be based on the work performance of staff, thus actualizing the principle of fairness on staff reward. In parallel, to ensure the objectivity and fairness in assessment of staff performance, the Society has set up a number of Assessment Alignment Boards comprising of different combination of service or unit supervisors to initially review and align the overall appraisal grade for all staff of professional, executive and above grade, whilst the Management and Committee Performance Appraisal Boards would review the appraisal reports according to the established mechanism. To enhance financial management efficiency, the post of Assistant Financial Manager was created; and a series of enhancement practice was adopted to improve the accuracy of financial management and to reduce the delivery time of financial documents through online banking, electronic approval of forms, and setup of Octopus for fee collection, etc.. Also, the Society replaced the obsolete financial management system (FMS) with a new centralised FMS within half a year, and the new system is deemed more adapted to the financial management requirements of various funders. It is the objective of the Financial Division to review its processes, to streamline unnecessary steps and invent innovative measures in order to release service staffs for their core duties of service operation and development. 本會的模擬法庭公義教育計劃,開辦至今已 十一年。在來年將獲得禁毒基金資助,進行以 禁毒為主題的預防教育活動。此外,亦與少年 警訊、及由舊中環警署改建而成的大館商談合 作,將模擬法庭計劃成為他們的合作項目及恆 常駐場教育活動。有別於其他機構舉辦的模擬 法庭活動以着重在法庭內的演辯為主的項目, 本會的模擬法庭公義教育計劃除於高等法院舉 行「像真度」極高的打官司比賽環節外,亦包含 各類型教育活動,以培養公民守法意識及公義 價值觀念。 本會社區教育及預防犯罪服務轄下的「甦星劇 團」,在過去一年曾作兩度主要公演,分別為首 次公演的「破繭天使」及第二度公演的「音樂劇 場 — 英雄本色」,兩次演出,均獲得觀眾正面評 價。此外,本會亦出版由知名作家黃明樂小姐 執筆,以「破繭天使」六位主角真實經歷為題的 書刊 — 「六個甦醒的新生命」,在新書發佈會當 日亦同時舉行記者招待會,發表有關本港女性 吸毒 / 戒毒誘因及後果調查報告。 中央行政 由 2018 年起,本會全面推行「表現為本」的人力資 源制度,鼓勵員工作出表現,並依循公平原則, 根據員工的表現評核成績,以決定其調整薪酬 幅度(包括額外加薪或調低加幅)及續約安排。 為達致更公平客觀的員工表現評核。我們成立 了多個由不同服務或單位主管組成的「共識表現 評核會」,初步理順所有專業或行政職級或以上 員工的整體評級,並經由管理層及委員評核會 按既定機制審核評核報告。 為提升財務管理效率,本會財務部增設助理財 務經理一職,並實施一系列的改革,逐步透過 網上理財,電子批核表格,設置八達通收費系 統等等,提升財務管理的精確度及減省財務文 件遞送時間。與此同時,本會棄用舊財務電腦 系統,以半年的時間,重新裝置一套中央管理 的財務系統,至今運作暢順,效果理想。隨着 本會申請各類不同的基金及資助,財務管理要 求日趨複雜,財務部不斷審視各項程序,務求 減省不必要的環節,讓單位員工可專注於前線 服務及發展。