
| 13 | Up till presently, the Society is still the key NGO in Hong Kong providing a comprehensive range of social rehabilitation services for ex-offenders. Both local and overseas media, including those from the Mainland, would approach the Society for information or exchanges for updated development of ex-offenders services, and the increasing request for contacts did induce much pressure to the Corporate Communications Division of the Society. But on the positive side, these contacts do help creating exposure and publicity of the Society’s work and services. Concluding Remark Last year saw the 60th Anniversary of the Society. A series of large scale events were held, including the 60th Anniversary Kick-off event “WE Connect” in May last year, the Charity Walk & Run x So HOT Carnival in last October, and the “60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner” in last December, all enhanced our publicity and networking with diverse stakeholders. Staff morale was well boosted up in the preparation of all these events, in particular the Gala Dinner that led the year-long celebration to the climax. While proceeds were raised during the Gala Dinner, the participation of users, volunteers, staffs and committee members in the Gala Dinner’s programmes gained much appraise from guests and participants of the dinner. Lastly, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Chairperson and members of Executive Committee, the Chairperson and members of all sub-Committees, Honorary Advisors and Consultants, sponsoring organizations and donors, government departments, benevolent employers, all staffs and volunteers for their support all along. With their participation and contribution, our services on Social Rehabilitation, Mental Recovery and Crime Prevention shall continue to do good for the wellbeing of service users, as well as the continuous prosperity of Hong Kong community. 到目前為止,本會仍是香港為更生人士提供全面 服務的主要社福機構,故此,本地及海外(包括 內地傳媒)、有關機構及人士若希望了解香港更 生服務的現況及發展,均會與本會接觸,安排 交流及提供資訊。過去幾年,接待工作持續增 加,一方面為本會機構傳訊部帶來不少壓力,但 卻製造不少的機會,讓本會的工作,透過交流 訪問及媒體,向外作出更廣泛的宣傳及報道。 結語 去年是本會的六十週年紀念,本會相繼舉行不同 的大型活動,其中包括在去年五月中舉行的「連 繫多一點」六十週年慶典啟動禮,在十月舉行的 「甦 Walk 慈善行‧跑步賽 X So HOT 嘉年華」、及在 去年十二月初舉行的「華麗人生慈善鑽禧晚宴」, 均有助提升本會與各機構持份者的接觸及宣傳, 透過安排各類慶祝活動,同工上下一心、士氣高 昂、而「華麗人生慈善鑽禧晚宴」是慶祝活動的 高潮項目,除籌得善款外,本會委員、同工、義 工及服務使用者等在當晚的傾力演出及參與, 也贏得界內同工及嘉賓的好評。 在此,本人謹向本會執行委員會主席及各委員、 各委員會的主席及委員、義務顧問、各資助機 構、政府部門、捐助者、愛心僱主、各同工、義 工等致以崇高敬意。香港的更生康復服務,精 神復元及預防犯罪有大家的參與及支持,必定 可以繼續進步發展,為服務使用者的福祉及香 港社會的繁榮安穩,作出貢獻。 吳宏增 Andy, NG Wang-tsang