
| 28 | 60th MicroFilm Series With the themes of “Rehabilitation with Faith, Employment Creates Opportunity, Recovery Brings Hope”, four chapters of MicroFilm were produced and named as “Faith”, “Opportunity”, “Hope” and “Inherit” respectively. The microfilms were published in various different channels and the feedbacks were very positive. A Beacon of Light (SRACP 60th Anniversary Theme Song) Life has it’s ups and downs. SRACP has accompanied the service users to get through the past 60 years and wishing to be a beacon of light in their life to bring hope and guidance to them. The theme song was sang by our service user and four staff. 六十週年微電影 本會以「更生憑信念、就業創機會、復元傳希望」 為綱領,拍攝出四部命題為「信念」、「機會」、 「希望」、「傳承」的微電影,四部微電影於多個不 同渠道播放,獲得十分正面的回應。 明燈(香港善導會六十週年主題曲) 人生的道路上,總會有高高低低,有平坦也有 崎嶇。香港善導會六十年來,一直陪伴著我們 的會友,走過悠悠歲月,希望為他們燃點起點 點希望之光,尤如明燈。主題曲由會友及四名 同工負責主唱。 歌詞 (This song only provides Chinese lyric) 曲:林子揚 / 詞:郭家俊 浪再高,感激你護航, 夜再深,總跟我覓曙光, 無忘是你創造機會改變未來, 風雨中庇護我,失意中接納我,不再感慨! 誰能如你不捨不棄,關懷傳遍地, 黑暗中猶如明燈,光照前行,再抱信心,期待轉機。 毛蟲捱過蛹的掙扎,方可跨千里, 化蝶展翅漫舞天地,扶助我高飛遙遠萬里。 路再彎,多得你同行, 淚再淌,安撫我別再慌。 仍憑藉這信念,機會開創未來, 希冀風裡傳播,深信傷痛難過,終可跨過! 悠悠年歲,精采因你,光照我心扉, 溫暖關注如晨曦,體貼入微,貢獻每分,期待轉機 ! 回頭懷緬,心思不變,善導六十年, 燈光雖渺,仍求發亮,常帶這海港,遙照路向! [ 信念 ] [Faith] [ 傳承 ] [Inherit] [ 希望 ] [Hope] [ 主題曲:明燈 ] [Theme Song: A Beacon of Light] [ 機會 ] [Opportunity]