年度重點 Highlights of the Year 個案輔導服務 專業社工外展到各裁判法院、區域法院及高等 法院,主動接觸涉嫌違法人士、候審人士及其 家屬,協助他們處理因面對司法程序而產生的 問題,就情緒困擾予以輔導,協助解決個人及 家庭福利問題。此外,社工也為被判刑人士提 供善後輔導,匡助更生。 治療性小組 於二零一七至二零一八年度,本服務進一步加強 專門化服務,由本會臨床心理學家和資深社工 舉辦六個治療性小組,特別針對受強迫性盜竊 困擾人士、牽涉性罪行人士、情緒困擾人士、 以及觸犯嚴重罪行的青少年。同時,運用認知 行為治療、沙維亞治療模式和靜觀手法協助受 困擾人士,幫助他們跳出困局,建立互相支持 群體,一起走上康復路。 Counselling Service Professional social workers outreach to all Magistrates’ Courts, The District Court and The High Court to provide counselling service and welfare assistance for suspects or individuals who will attend court hearing and their families. Services are rendered to relief distress, emotional issues arose from going through legal procedures, as well as practical issues such as welfare assistance. Therapeutic Group In 2017/2018, we organised six therapeutic groups especially for people with habitual stealing problem, repeated sex offence records and emotional disturbances as well as youth committed serious crimes. By adopting cognitive behavioral therapy, the Satir Model Therapy and mindfulness-based relapse prevention skill, our clinical psychologist and senior social workers assisted participants to extricate from plight and recover with the aid of mutual support. 北京超越青少年社工事務所社工訪港,並與本會法院 社工交流。 Social workers from Beijing paid a visit to Hong Kong and had professional exchange with our court social workers. 法院社工為義工提供基礎訓練講座。 Court social worker provided basic training to court volunteers. 香薰護理品工作坊鼓勵服務使用者注重身心健康。 We organised aromatherapy workshop to promote health and wellbeing among service users. | 31 |
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