重點加強家庭成員的抗毒意識和認識 為加強服務使用者的家庭成員的抗毒意識和認 識,本計劃著力了解他們的需要。例如:評估他 們對毒品的認識和理解、他們對於煙酒等容易 引致濫藥的物質的意識、他們如何平衡親職壓 力以預防濫藥等,以設計出適合他們的活動, 供家長和子女一起參加。服務使用者的家人除 了在參與計劃的過程中,增長抗毒知識外,亦 可加深他們之間的信任和感情。例如:設計遊 戲教授酗酒的影響、透過運動提升他們抗毒能 力和意識、透過辯論比賽認識沉迷電話使用與 家人關係的影響等。 Enhance Family Members’ Awareness Against Drug Abuse In order to enrich the family members’ knowledge and enhance their awareness against drug abuse, we strived to explore their needs first. For examples, to evaluate their understanding and knowledge towards drugs, their awareness towards high-risk substances which will trigger drug abuse, the capacity to manage parenting stress and stay drug- free. In response to these needs, we designed the suitable games and activities for the whole family to participate, so as to build up trust among family members to combat drug effectively and equip them with knowledge and skills, such as educate them the impact of alcohol consumption through games, enhance their awareness through sports, educate them the impact of mobile phone addiction on family relationship through debating competition, etc. 我們向地盤工人介紹服務和吸毒酗酒的影響。 Outreaching at construction site helps promoting our service to the high-risk groups in terms of alcohol and drug consumption. 音樂治療師帶領服務使用者敲打樂器,讓他們嘗試放 鬆心情,減輕工作及生活的壓力。 Music therapist led our service users to relieve their stress from work and relationship by playing drums to express their feelings. | 56 |
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