午夜南光高危少數族裔青少年禁毒計劃 Project Midnight Southray – Drug preventive service for high risk non-Chinese ethnic Night Youth Drifters through Midnight Outreach 服務概覽 自二零一六年八月,本計劃獲得禁毒基金資助, 為香港的少數族裔提供深宵外展服務,並且透 過不同類型的活動及講座,培養高危少數族裔 青少年抗拒吸毒的態度;及早識別少數族裔隱 蔽吸毒者,提高他們的求助意識;讓少數族裔 青少年更了解與毒品有關的刑事責任。 Service Overview The service gap and needs of ethnic minorities (EM) on drug preventive and rehabilitation has been our concern. Sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund since August 2016, Project Midnight Southray provides prevention services for high risk youths from Non-Chinese communities, through midnight outreach and supportive services. We provide different preventive programmes to EM youths to enhance their self-efficacy and let them understand the criminal liability related to drugs. Besides, participants can build up a healthy and positive lifestyle through vocational and leisure activities. 服務數據 Service Data 5,571 透過外展服務接觸的 非華裔高危青少年及隱蔽吸毒人士的人次 At-risk EM youths and hidden drug abusers through outreaching service 1,297 非華裔高危青少年及 隱蔽吸毒人士身體檢查參與人次 On-the-spot health check up to at-risk EM youths and hidden drug abusers 1,160 非華裔高危青少年及 隱蔽吸毒人士 危機介入及輔導服務參與人次 At-risk EM youths and hidden drug abusers for on-the-spot crisis intervention and counselling service 726 非華裔高危青少年及 隱蔽吸毒人士休閒活動參與人次 Social inducing workshop and leisure activities for at-risk EM youths and hidden drug abusers 141 非華裔高危青少年及 隱蔽吸毒人士分享會的參與人次 At-risk EM youths and hidden drug abusers for visit/guided tour/sharing | 57 |
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