
| 5 | 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message 去年是香港善導會六十週年會慶,各同工和委員 熱烈參與慶祝活動。在回顧過去之餘,我們也 不斷反思善導會的未來發展策略和社會角色。 更生康復服務無疑是本會幾十年來的發展主軸, 不論是政府部門,其他社福機構,以至海外相 關機構,均肯定本會在更生康復服務的成績。 自九零年代起,本會的服務逐漸擴展到精神復 康、預防犯罪和營辦社企等多個新範疇。 隨着社會需要和福利服務生態環境的改變,很 多社福機構都紛紛轉型,向多元服務和多類對 象的方向發展。這種發展策略,一方面可把握 新興服務的發展機遇,壯大機構服務規模;另一 方面可減輕倚賴傳統服務,令機構與時並進, 香港善導會或許正處於這個決擇關口。 過去十多年,由於罪案率持續下降,在囚人口 亦逐步減少,更生康復服務在數量的需求相應 減低,相信政府增撥資源去拓展更生服務的機 會不大。以現時的走勢,香港善導會應否在更 生康復、精神復康及預防犯罪服務以外,發展 其他服務領域,是值得本會同工深入探究的。 近年,很多社福機構均營辦社會企業,但箇中 確實充滿挑戰,本會的社企「明朗服務有限公司」 亦不例外,營運遇到重重困難。不過,這經歷 卻為本會同工帶來不少啟發。 Last year was the 60th Anniversary of the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (“the Society”). Staffs and committee members had actively participated in the celebration activities. While reviewing its past, the Society keeps rethinking about its future strategic development and positioning in Hong Kong community. Undoubtedly, offender rehabilitation service has all along been the axis of service development of the Society. Government Departments, other Non-governmental Organizations (“NGOs”), or even overseas counterparts all recognize our contribution to the social rehabilitation for ex-offenders. Since 1990s, the Society has gradually extended our scope of services to mental recovery, crime prevention and also social enterprise. With the change in social needs and ecological perspective of the social welfare sector, many NGOs have been adopting diversification strategy to operate multifarious programmes and to serve different clienteles. This kind of strategic change may allow the organizations to grasp opportunities of emerging services, expand the scale of service operation, as well as to reduce the risk of over-relying on traditional services. The Society, however, is at a crossroad of its future strategic development. With the continuing decline in crime rate and the gradual reduction in the number of prison inmates over the past ten years, the demand for quantity of offender rehabilitation services is declining. Under such circumstance, it seems unlikely for the Government to inject further resources for development of offender services. In view of the presenting condition, should the Society enter into other service arenas, instead of still sticking mainly to offender rehabilitation services or services for mental recovery? This deserves our thoughts. Many NGOs have been operating social enterprises in recent years, but it is indeed full of challenges, and our social enterprise “Bright Services Company Ltd.” is no exception. Nonetheless, operating social enterprises does bring a lot of inspirations to our staffs. In the past, the concept of social impact was seldom discussed in the social welfare sector. The sector mainly focuses on the service demands and service outputs from a quantitative perspective. Whether the service can effectively solve the problems claimed to be addressed, the measurement of social impact, and so on were rarely being mentioned. Possibly it is due to the fact that measuring social impact could be time-consuming and controversial. However, with the social changes, stakeholders including service users, general public and the sponsoring Government Departments are now requesting NGOs to provide outcome and impact indicators to illustrate their social impact and results.