
試行「疾病管理與復元」小組 – 邁步復元 知識賦予服務使用者能力。當他們掌握更多精 神病患的資料,他們越能做好裝備,為他們自 己發聲,於促進復元的過程中,擔當積極角色。 去年,本會 4 間中途宿舍試行「疾病管理與復元」 小組,透過藉實證為本的做法,促進服務使用 者管理其病患,發掘自己的復元目標,增加他 們對精神病治療的認識和抉擇能力。服務使用 者能夠學習新知識和技巧,改善個人能力,克 服病患帶來在社交及社會角色上的種種影響。 他們亦提升自主生活,邁向個人復元。 服務使用者諮詢委員會 – 共賦權 去年,本會 4 間中途宿舍各自成立服務使用者諮 詢委員會,讓服務使用者選舉宿舍代表進行定 期會議,參與服務安排及就服務管理提出意見。 諮詢委員會授權予服務使用者的代表有權利參 與會議和開放渠道作資源管理。復元人士能夠 提升其自我管理經驗,強化賦權行為,讓他們 參與決定,使服務更能支持其個人復元。 Piloting Illness Management and Recovery group to promote recovery Knowledge empowers people. The more people understand the basic facts about their mental illness, the better equipped they are to speak for themselves and take an active role in their recovery. Last year, the 4 halfway houses piloted the Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) groups which is an evidence-based practice to empower service users to manage their illness, find their own goals for recovery, and make their informed decisions about their treatment by teaching them the necessary knowledge and skills. Service users were able to learn new knowledge and skills that helped them improve their abilities to overcome the deliberating effects of their illness on social and role functioning. They also started their personal recovery journey by improving their sense of autonomy. Empowering User’s Consultation Committees Last year, the 4 halfway houses established the User Consultation Committees, which service users voted for their representatives to involve in the service delivery and voice out their opinions for service management through regular meetings. The Committees empowered users’ representatives for their rights of participation in meetings and the access to management of resources. People in recovery were able to enhance their experience in self-management and reinforce the practice of empowerment, with their input on how services are supporting the recovery for individuals. 服務使用者於「疾病管理與復元」小組中,一 起尋覓自己的復元目標。 Service users explored their recovery goals together in the IMR group. | 64 |