
| 6 | 過往衡量社會福利服務,鮮有談論社會效益這 概念。業界主要着眼於服務需求和服務數量, 至於服務能否有效解決問題,服務效益的量度 等等一直不被重視。其中一個理由是量度服務 效益相當耗費時間,方法又充滿爭議。但隨着 社會文化的改變,不論服務使用者,社會大眾 以至政府,均要求社福機構提供具體指標,印 證服務的社會效益。 認識營辦社會企業的挑戰,本會同工領略到每 一分一毫的投資,必須讓顧客滿意,為他們解 決問題,還須反思服務能否達到最初的目標。 這種心態的改變,有助本會同工推行有質素、 有效益的服務。我們在宣傳服務時,不能再只 講「故事」,更要交代「數字」。不單只講「數量」, 還要證明「質量」。這是未來的趨勢,本會同工 大抵已有心理準備。 以往,社福機構行事主要跟隨政府的規範。在 整筆過撥款制度推行之後,社福機構開始責任 自負。為應付新的服務需求,各機構紛紛開拓 不同的資助來源,更要應付政府和資助機構的 審核,對機構的行政制度造成壓力,各機構必 須不斷改善、強化,才能持續發展。 過去幾年,本會逐步統一新聘員工的職能和福 利制度,收窄「定影員工」與「非定影員工」待遇的 差距,重新制定職能和職級編制。在評估工作 表現方面,建立覆核機制,積極推行以表現為 本的薪酬制度。 財務方面,管理層全面檢討後,盡量簡化程序, 希望減輕前線同工處理財務的壓力。此外,為 進一步強化機構管治,增加行政效率和提升問 責性,本會亦成立了機構傳訊部、資訊管理及 審計團隊等部門。這些新部門均需要增加財政 開支,在資源分配上,為應付政府的嚴格審查, 亦進一步加重機構行政管理的壓力。 Knowing the challenges of operating social enterprise, staffs are receptive to the idea that for every penny spent, the produced services should be capable of satisfying customers’ need, or to solve their problems. Also to reconsider whether the services are capable of achieving the desired goals. This change in mindset will help our staffs to implement quality and impactful services. In promoting our services, we are no longer just sharing “cases”, but to support our proclamations with “figures and statistics”. And these figures do not merely mean service quantity, but on illustrating the qualitative outcome. And our staffs are now well prepared for tackling the changes. In the past, NGOs had followed closely the guidelines and regulations of the Government in their operation. Under the Lump Sum Grant (“LSG”) subvention system, NGOs now shoulder heavier responsibilities in monitoring their services. To meet new service demands, NGOs are exploring alternative funding sources, and also have to fulfill the requirements of both the Social Welfare Department (“SWD”) and funders. This somehow creates much pressure to the central administration of NGOs. NGOs have to make continuous self- improvement and enhancement in order to support the development of their services. Over the last few years, the Society has gradually aligned the employment terms and remuneration packages for all new recruits, narrowed the gap between the so called “snapshot” and “non- snapshot” staffs, reviewed and formulated a comprehensive job grading system. For striving a culture of high performance, a review and alignment mechanism for performance assessment has been adopted to reward staffs based on performance. The Society has been comprehensively reviewing its financial management processes so as to streamline and reduce unnecessary procedures, in order to lessen frontline staffs’ pressure in handling the centres’ finance matters. In addition, to further strengthen the corporate governance, increase administrative efficiency and enhance accountability, the Society has set up the Corporate Communications Division, Information Technology and Talent Development Division, as well as carrying out periodic and irregular internal surprise audit to service units. To establish these new functions under the Central Administration not only has financial implication, but also add pressure to the management on resources allocation while fulfilling the stringent requirements of the Government.