
評判、會友及職員在快樂有營煮食比賽合照。 Group photo of judges, service users and staff at the Cooking Joy Competition. 廣州精神康復服務督導 本會成功投得 3 年服務標書,繼續為廣州市民政 局精神病院的同工提供督導服務,並由龍澄坊 的督導主任,臨床心理學家及職業治療師為日 間中心的同工提供 21 節的督導服務,包括個案 督導、為院友提供社區音樂工作坊、靜觀小組、 家屬活動及員工培訓。 聽聲取向 精神健康服務於二零一五年開始發展聽聲取向, 本會同工於同年在墨爾本接受培訓,並把經驗 帶回本地進一步推廣及舉辦聽聲小組。過去兩 年,聽聲小組已經在不同單位,包括龍澄坊、朗 澄坊及秦石中途宿舍恆常開辦,為有聽聲〈幻聽〉 經驗的人士提供一個在安全的環境,分享聽聲 經驗,一同學習應對聲音的技巧,並探索聲音 經驗背後的意義,以及重整與「聲音」的關係。 Supervision for Mental Health Service in Guangzhou This year, our Society successfully bid a 3-year social work supervision project for the Guangzhou Psychiatrist Hospital. Supervisor of Vitality Place, Clinical Psychologist and Occupational Therapist were invited to deliver 21 sessions supervision for staff of the Day Activity Centre, the sessions included casework supervision, community music workshops for clients, mindfulness group, workshops for family members and staff training. Hearing Voices Approach The Mental Health Service Branch started to develop Hearing Voice Approach since 2015. Two colleagues attended Hearing Voices Approach training in Melbourne and incorporated their learning experience into daily practice via continuous promotion of the approach and organising hearing voices support groups. Over the past two years, a series of hearing voices support groups were operated in Vitality Place, Placidity Place and Chun Shek Halfway House. With the continuous effort, we aimed to provide a secure environment for members to share their lived experiences, to learn new coping strategies, to explore ways to make sense of voices and to change the relationship with “voices” as a living partner. 龍澄坊會員為一對夫婦進行人像素描。 VP user was sketching a portrait for a couple. 龍澄坊會員為慶祝機構六十週年而製作 的十字繡畫。 The cross-stich embroidery hand made by VP users to celebrate SRACP 60th anniversary. 小童正學習利用手工材料製成代表機構六十週年的蝴蝶筆。 Children were learning how to make butterfly-pattern pen with art materials which symbolized the 60th anniversary of SRACP. | 69 |