
| 7 | 香港善導會是一所中小型機構,過往的撥款絕 大部份來自社會福利署,過去十餘年,政府資 助的百分比持續下降,非恆常服務須另闢資助 來源,本會為此絞盡腦汁,加上營運社會企業 殊不容易,行政管理將面對更大挑戰。 雖然部份業界人仕對「整筆過撥款制度」批評不 斷,但我們相信這制度在可見將來會繼續實行, 如何利用它的優勢,發展服務,改善質素,是 每所機構必須面對的課題。 香港善導會剛過了六十大壽,縱有種種挑戰, 我相信在各委員和全體同工的努力下,定能克 服困難,為建立安全共融的社會,作出貢獻。 李瀚良 Patrick LI The Society is a medium-small sized NGO, and it mainly relied on SWD subvention in the past. Over the last 10 years or more, the percentage of Government subvention has been declining, which implies that the Society has to explore new sources of funding for supporting its non- subvented services. In addition that it has to run the social enterprise projects, the Society will have to face the escalating challenges in its management, administration and governance. Debates over LSG system went on and on. But the Society believes this system will anyway continue to exist in the many years to come. Therefore, how to ride on the merits of this system to develop the needed services, and to enhance service quality are the key challenges that every subvented NGO must address. The Society has just celebrated its six decades of service in Hong Kong, and no matter what will be the challenges ahead, I believe that with the dedication and collaborative efforts of all Committee members and staffs, the Society shall overcome the difficulties and continue making contribution in building up a safe and inclusive society.