
| 8 | 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 過去一年是香港善導會不平凡的一年。我們除 了為慶祝六十週年舉行了連串活動之外,亦在 各服務領域不斷進行革新,延續既有的服務計 劃及進一步申辦其他服務。 社會康復服務 進一步落實服務綜合化是去年更生服務的工作 重點。由於涉及改動中心服務時間,在社會福 利署的配合下,本會在綜合服務中心所在區域 進行地區諮詢,過程大致順暢。與此同時,本 會亦重新檢視有關津貼及服務協議,重定服務 輸出範疇及數量,加入服務效益量度指標。除 社會服務中心外,本會其他的「違法人士」服務, 包括宿舍、法院社工、社區教育及預防犯罪服 務、釋前輔導服務、短期租金津貼計劃及職業 發展服務等,均會趁此機會重新檢視有關的運 作及服務協議,以更符合服務的發展及反映服 務的方向和果效。 更生康復服務過去一年,進一步走向多元化。 除與深圳巿人民檢察院協助港人的「附條件不起 訴」及「相對不起訴」計劃仍繼續進行外,本會與 新界南總警區合作進行「耆望計劃」,透過警方 轉介,對初次干犯輕微罪行的長者,進行及早介 入,當中發現部份長者的犯罪行為與他們的精 神健康問題有關。此外,本會亦與香港小童群 益會合作,向香港賽馬會慈善信託基金申請資 助,推行更生人士年輕子女的支援服務計劃。 Last year is an extraordinary year of the Society. Apart from holding events to celebrate our 60th Anniversary, the Society has been continuing to bid new services and revamp existing ones. Social Rehabilitation Service Consolidation of integration is the key mission of the Social Rehabilitation Service last year. Where it involves the change in opening hours of service centres, with the support of Social Welfare Department (SWD), local consultations were conducted, which were largely smooth. Meanwhile the Funding and Service Agreements (FSAs) of the Integrated Service Centres (ISCs) were developed to refine the service output, as well as service outcome indicators. Besides the ISCs, services under the FSA of Services for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners, including Hostel, Court Social Work, Community Education and Crime Prevention, Pre-Release Preparation, Short-term Rental Assistance and Employment Development Services etc. will also have their FSAs be reviewed, in order to align with these services’ new development and to reflect the emphasis and impact of them. Social Rehabilitation Service continued to become more diversified in the last year. Apart from the collaboration project with The People’s Procuratorate of Shenzhen City on the Scheme of Conditional Non- Prosecution and other Discretionary Non-Prosecution cases of Hong Kong residents, the Society has been partnering with the Hong Kong Police Force New Territories South Regional Headquarters to operate the “Project Hope” to receive referrals of elderly arrestees who have caught petty crime. Over the early intervention, it was identified that quite a portion of these elderly exhibited early signs of mental health problems. Also, the Society partnered with The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong to apply funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to operate a project to provide support for young children from families with their parents who have been in conflict with the law. There was steady progress in the Society’s social housing project SoUk. On top of the 2 SoUk units situated at Yau Ma Tei and San Po Kong, that already started to admit residents last year, A Taoist organization, namely Tao Kwong Toa Teh Association Ltd initiated cooperation with the Society to operate the third SoUk unit, which is just adjacent to the first SoUk unit in Yau Ma Tei. The renovation