
服務概覽 社會大眾、更生人士及精神復元人士均可以參 與義工服務,共同推動預防犯罪教育及更生服 務的活動。社區人士可藉此正面認識更生人士 及精神復元人士,促進社會共融;更生人士及 精神復元人士則可透過參加義工服務,重建自 信,融入社群。 服務數據 Service Data Service Overview The general public, ex-offenders and people in recovery can help to promote crime prevention education and ex-offender rehabilitation activities by taking part in our voluntary work. Social integration can be achieved when the general public has the opportunity to better understand ex-offenders and people in recovery. Meanwhile, ex-offenders and people in recovery can rebuild their confidence and reintegrate into the society through voluntary work and social services. | 90 | 義工發展服務 Volunteer Development Service 14,576 服務使用者義工時數 Number of service hours for service users volunteers 6,424 社區義工及企業義工服務時數 Number of service hours for community and corporate volunteers 21,000 全年義工服務時數 The total annual number of volunteer service hours 526 社區義工人數 Number of community volunteers 456 受訓義工人次 Number of beneficiaries of volunteer training 346 更生義工人數 Number of ex-offender volunteers 129 服務滿30小時的義工人數 Number of volunteers serving more than 30 hours 52 服務滿80小時的義工人數 Number of volunteers serving more than 80 hours 33 服務滿150小時的義工人數 Number of volunteers serving more than 150 hours