
Our Volunteers Services Teams are formed by community people, service user volunteers and corporate volunteers. We have accumulated over 870 volunteers at present. They organized large- scale festive events and group activities in correctional institutions to show care to inmates and enable them to have interaction with the outside world. Our Volunteers Services Teams also assisted social workers at Magistrates’ Courts, helping people who awaited trial and their families to relieve tension and stress, and also providing emotional support. Prison visit escort service was provided and birthday parties were held to help prisoners and ex- offenders maintain closer ties with their children. Crime prevention education programmes were organized to prevent inter-generational criminology. Other voluntary activities included events for people in recovery to facilitate their reintegration and justice education programmes for young people to develop proper civic awareness. The community volunteers teams actively supported our large-scale corporate events such as fundraising activities. Volunteers experienced the joy of being giver role. The total annual number of volunteer service hours was 21,000 hours. 義工服務團隊由社區人士、服務使用者及企業 義工所組成,累計共有超過 870 名義工。服務範 疇包括:前往懲教院所協辦大型節慶活動及小 組活動,關愛在囚人士,增加他們與外界的聯 繫;協助各區裁判法院社工,為候審人士及其家 人處理他們的擔憂及困難,給予情緒抒解。此 外,亦會提供探監接送服務和舉辦生日會,促 進在囚或更生人士與子女的關係;並舉辦預防犯 罪教育活動,以預防跨代犯罪。其他義工服務 包括:為精神復元人士舉辦活動,加強共融成 果;協助舉辦公義教育活動,幫助青少年建立 良好公民意識,並參與本會大型活動,例如: 籌款活動等等。藉不同義工服務,讓義工們體 會施比受更有福的喜悅。得到義工的努力,全 年義工時數共有 21,000 小時。 企業義工完成帶領大型活動後,在懲教所外留影。 Corporate volunteers took a group photo after conducting the large-scale Correctional Institution voluntary service. 義工訓練簡介會讓社區人士認識本會的服務。 Training was provided to the general public to have basis knowledge of our service. 義工服務團隊 Volunteers Services Teams | 92 |