
| 93 | 未來發展重點 Upcoming Development Focus 本會透過身心靈輔導服務帶出正面及積極的訊 息,從而增強服務使用者的自尊感,並減低重 犯的機會。未來一年,本會將積極優化綜合服 務,以一站式的手法便利服務使用者,並擴大 更生人士家屬的支援和社區連繫。此外,本會 繼續通過與其他政府部門和社會團體合作,加 強為青少年及年長的更生人士的服務配套。本 會亦加強服務質素管理,運用電腦系統提升工 作效率,並為服務發展提供更多實時數據。 繼續採用復元及優勢為本模式推動社區精神健 康服務,其中包括加強職業治療服務,推動復 元理念帶動之社區音樂及朋輩輔導工作等,以 發揮復元人士之優勢及加強公眾人士對他 / 她們 的了解。 We have developed positive well-being programmes for our services users so as to enhance their dignity and prevent recidivism. In the coming year, we shall develop integrated service centres to provide one-stop service for the users and also to strengthen family intervention and community involvement. Besides, we shall keep enhancing supporting services for needy youth and elderly through more collaborations with Government departments and social organizations. With adoption of an offender information system, the management of service quality and work efficiency will be further enhanced with the most updated service data being accessible. We will continue to adopt a recovery and strength-based approach, which includes expanding the occupational therapy service, and enhancing the recovery based community music and peer support service alike, etc., to promote users’ recovery and increase public’s understanding towards people in recovery. 精神健康服務 Mental Health Service 社會康復及預防犯罪服務 Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service