
| 94 | 職業服務及社會企業 Employment Service and Social Enterprise 透過籌辦嶄新的技能培訓,擴大配對工種,為 服務使用者提供就業上流階梯。並積極推動為 更生青年、邊青及少數族裔青年突破自我的培 育及創業服務,促進正面經歷,以充份發展其 個人能力。同時,著力拓展社會企業明朗服務 有限公司的烘焙及展覽業務,為客戶提供更優 質的專業服務之餘,也能讓更生人士及弱勢社 群獲得在職培訓及就業機會,幫助他們自力更 生。 The Branch will organise more new employment skills training and expand job varieties to offer clients with more upward mobility opportunities. Besides, our Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Service helps to foster personal breakthrough of young ex-offenders, youth-at-risks and ethnic minorities so as to facilitate positive experience and build up their capacities. Our social enterprise, Bright Services Company Limited, will continue developing quality and professional services to our customers in bakery and exhibition businesses. It can also provide on-the-job training and working opportunities to help our users to reintegrate into the society. 社區教育及義工服務 Community Education and Volunteer Service 隨著網上罪行增加,提醒青少年注意網絡危機 乃本會來年其中一項教育重點。我們將著重及 早向幼稚園及初小學生灌輸自律、守規的正確 價值觀,免至沉溺使用智能裝置及墮入網絡陷 阱。「模擬法庭.公義教育計劃」在禁毒基金的 支持下,將引入創新科技,如虛擬實境技術於 配套活動中,以豐富學生的學習經歷;而這計 劃將會進一步拓展至群育學校,讓更多中學生 能參與。「同行」及「傳承」是義工發展服務的來 年重點,「我們仨」將延續並拓展到精神復元人 士,以「同行」方式繼續一起成長。此外,借助 已建立豐富知識及技巧的義工,傳授承傳給更 多新的義工們,讓服務一個一個「傳承」下去。 In response to the increasing trend of cybercrimes, it is one of our critical missions to raise youth’s awareness in cyberspace’s crisis in the coming year. Education programmes for kindergartens and junior primary schools will be developed, focusing on smart use of technology devices and proper access to the Internet. With the support of Beat Drugs Fund, the Mock Trial Justice Education Project will instill innovative technology such as Virtual Reality to the activities, so as to enrich students’ learning experience. Meanwhile, the Project will also expand the scope of service to Schools for Social Development, allowing more secondary students to participate in. In the coming year, “Companion” and “Inheritance” will be the core focus of our Volunteer Development Service (VDS). The Program: “Three of Us”, with the adoption of “Companion Approach”, will be extended to the people in mental recovery. To inherit the fruitful knowledge and skills of our volunteers to those new joining volunteers will be another yearly direction of VDS.