
機構傳訊 Corporate Communications 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 服務概覽 機構傳訊部 (CCD) 於二零一四年成立,主要職責 為通過策略性核心活動,以加強對外和對內的 合作和溝通,宣傳本會的核心價值、使命、願 景和成就。當中工作包括:傳媒管理、會訊及 年報製作、籌款活動籌辦、持份者傳訊、申訴 處理。 推廣及公共關係 「憑信念、創機會、傳希望」是本年度的宣傳主 題。我們相信只要每個人秉持同樣心態,定必 可以共建包容而安全的社會。年內,本會服務有 多達 180 次媒體報導,與去年比較,共有 328.5% 的增長;如此明顯的增長正好反映,社會上有更 多人士願意關心更生人士、精神復元人士及各 弱勢社群如何走出逆境。為了提升本會服務質 素,機構傳訊部亦負責處理查詢及申訴事宜, 憑藉服務承諾迅速回覆及跟進。 Service Overview The Corporate Communications Division (CCD) was set up in 2014 with the responsibility to enhance external and internal communications, highlight and promote vision, mission, value and achievements of the society through the strategic delivery of our core activities including media management, bulletin and annual report production, fund raising event management, stakeholders communication and complaints handling. Promotion and Public Relations “FAITH . OPPORTUNITY . HOPE” is our promotion theme in this year. We believed that if everyone takes our shared beliefs as our guide, there is nothing to stop us to contribute to the development of an inclusive and safe society. Within this year, SRACP has over 180 media coverages. Comparing to last year, it was reported to have 328.5% media coverages increase. More noise in helping ex- offenders, people with mental health issues and under-privileged to re-sketch their lives was acknowledged. To enhance our service quality, CCD also handled appeals and complaints. We replied and followed swiftly according to our service pledge. 本會總幹事吳宏增先生接 受傳媒訪問。 Our Chief Executive, Mr. Andy Ng was interviewed by reporters. 電視劇組向本會副總幹事李淑慧女士頒贈紀念狀, 以示支持本會工作。 A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Deputy Chief Executive, Ms. Anthea Lee by TV drama team in supporting SRACP. 慈善高爾夫球賽獲社會各界廣泛支持。 The SRACP Charity Golf was widely supported by different sectors of the society. | 96 |