
To improve the communications with various stakeholders, we published agency newsletter regularly. Besides, we made good use of social media platform and post news on SRACP Facebook in a timely manner. The new approach of communication has speeded up our interaction with the public and it works effectively to make connection with the public. This year, we have nominated 26 enterprises as caring companies. Heartfelt thanks have to be given to all corporates and organizations for being supportive and to foster for the betterment of our service users. Fund Raising and Resources Development We are most grateful of the generosity and support from all philanthropic supporting parties, The SRACP Charity Golf presented by Shenzhen YUTO Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. was held successfully on 25th July 2017. With 19 golf teams to take part, HK$0.36 million was raised for support services of under-privileged, youth-at-risk groups and crime prevention education. On 22nd October 2017, the SRACP Charity Walk and Run x So HOT Carnival presented by Cobot Group Limited and Draco Human Resources Management Limited was held in Shatin, over 2,000 participants took part in the event while over HK$0.35 million net sum was raised for support services for crime prevention education and youth-at-risk services. The SRACP 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner was launched on 1st December 2017 with lots of celebrities joining us. The event has raised total net sum of HK$0.47 million. SRACP also has online monthly donations, in-kind donations, donation boxes to convenience the public to make their contribution in supporting crime prevention, and fostering rehabilitation and mental recovery. 為加強與外界溝通及恆常地發佈最新服務資訊, 除定期出版會訊《善訊》,本會亦善用社交平台, 於本會臉書專頁及網頁中,不時更新帖文,以 方便有效的渠道接觸社區人士。本年度,我們 成功提名了 26 間愛心企業,在此特別感謝各企 業和機構無私的支持,加入我們的更生康復工 作,讓服務受眾再次獲得認同和接納。 籌募經費及拓展資源 承蒙各界支持,本會於二零一七年七月二十五日 成功舉辦第二屆「慈善高爾夫球賽」,並獲「深圳 市裕同包裝科技股份有限公司」冠名贊助,吸引 19 隊善長參加,籌得善款港幣 36 萬,用以支援 弱勢社群、高危青少年服務及預防犯罪教育服 務;而第五屆「甦 WALK 慈善行.跑步賽 x So HOT 嘉年華」則於二零一七年十月二十二日假沙田舉 行,活動由「高博集團有限公司」及「天龍人力資 源管理有限公司」聯合冠名贊助,總參與人數突 破 2,000 人,共籌得淨港幣 35 萬元善款,用以預 防犯罪教育及高危青少年服務。六十週年慈善 鑽禧晚宴則於二零一七年十二月一日舉行,當晚 星光熠熠,並籌得淨港幣超過 47 萬。另外本會 亦設有網上月捐計劃、物品捐贈、捐款箱等不 同方式,鼓勵大眾支持更生康復、精神健康及 預防犯罪服務。 甦 WALK 慈善行.跑步賽 x So HOT 嘉年華首次於沙田舉行。 SRACP Charity Walk & Run x So HOT Carnival was held in Shatin for the first time. 機構傳訊部負責年報製作及籌辦週年大會。 CCD was responsible to the annual report production and to organise Annual General Meeting. 來自中國司法部的內地司法人員到訪本會。 Mainland Legal Officials from Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China visited SRACP. | 97 |