
服務概覽 網頁及應用程式設計 2017 年是香港善導會六十週年,本會除了製作 六十週年主題網頁外,亦為不同活動製作網頁, 定期將最新動態傳遞予社會大眾,活動包括: 「講.港.法治」青年研討會、「慈善高爾夫球賽 2017 」、「甦 Walk 慈善行.跑步賽 x So HOT 嘉年華」、 「華麗人生慈善鑽禧晚宴」等。此外,本會更於 「甦 Walk 慈善行.跑步賽 x So HOT 嘉年華」加入嶄 新的擴增實境應用程式,讓參加者沿途透過手 機掃描識別圖,並與手機應用程式中呈現的吉 祥物「甦 Funny 」及「甦 Happy 」自拍及合照留念。 系統使用及開發 本會獲社會福利發展基金贊助,為「持份者關係 管理系統」、「人事管理系統」及「財務系統」作技 術支援及開發。「更生人士服務綜合系統」於本 年度已正式啟用,並逐步拓展至資訊管理及質 素層面,更延伸至職業發展服務、精神健康服 務的領域及流動手機應用。為配合流動支付、 物聯網及大數據的嶄新服務模式,本會將為各 系統試行引入雲端科技以配合發展。 Service Overview Website and Apps Design SRACP celebrated the 60th anniversary in 2017. Apart from the development of website themed with 60th anniversary, for immediate release of news and information, our Information Technology Division created and updated web pages for different events, such as “Youth Conference”, “SRACP Charity Golf 2017”, “SRACP Charity Walk & Run x So HOT Carnival”, “Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner” etc. Besides, an augmented reality mobile app was introduced in the “SRACP Charity Walk & Run x So HOT Carnival”, which allowed racers to catch the stickers of mascots “So Funny” and “So Happy” and take selfie with them after downloading our app on their cell phones. System Usage and Development Making use of the Social Welfare Development Fund, the “Stakeholders Relationship Management System”, “Human Resources Management System”, “Finance Management System” were planned to develop. Moreover, The Offender Rehabilitation and Service Integration System has been well developed in 2017–2018 and it would have further extension to employment development service, mental health service and mobile application in 2018–2019. To cope with the latest trend of Mobile Payment, Internet of Things and Big Data for new service model, use of cloud service in the systems would be further explored for service development. 「華麗人生慈善鑽禧晚宴」的回應式網頁設計。 The responsive web design of “Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner”. 甦 Walk 慈善行 ‧  跑步賽 x So Hot 嘉年華引入 擴增實境應用程式。 The augmented reality mobile app was introduced in the SRACP Charity Walk & Run x So HOT Carnival. | 98 | 資訊科技 Information Technology