2018 - 2019 年報
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 8 過去一年、本會與內地深圳、澳門、新加坡等 地持續在更生服務範疇保持緊密合作、除維持 原有個案及小組層面工作,本會去年再派隊參 加「黃絲帶計劃」所舉辦的「 Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 」活動,服務使用者在培訓及參與過程當 中,獲益豐富。 精神健康服務 本會去年八月正式獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 撥款,重建筲箕灣宿舍,並將推行一項名為「賽 馬會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」。計劃預計於二 ○二○年清拆現有的筲箕灣宿舍,而宿舍舍友 在過去一年已陸續遷出,預計筲箕灣宿舍將於 本年十月結束服務。與此同時,本會另外三間 中途宿舍除接收部份由筲箕灣宿舍轉介的舍友 外,亦會臨時增加入住,以盡量維持本會中途 宿舍服務的名額。計劃其中一個目標,是促使 現有中途宿舍服務的改革與服務模式的創新改 造,希望打破過往津助服務的固有框框,為精 神復康服務創造更具成效的運作模式。 過去一年,政府進一步加強精神健康綜合社區 中心的服務資源,除在去年加強職業治療服 務,及因應服務使用者子女需要而增撥的人手 外,今年亦撥款增設臨床心理學家職位,進一 步強化綜合中心的臨床支援。本會的職業治療 服務除滿足社署的服務指標外,亦成功投得懲 教署的計劃,額外增聘人手,為小欖精神病治 療中心在囚人士提供職業治療服務,亦為會內 單位有需要人士提供協助。 除恆常的個案、小組及社區教育工作,龍澄坊 的「彩繪生命 2.0 」、「真人圖書館」、「致•生命」 計劃、朗澄坊的天愛坊室內種植場、南亞族裔 社群服務等等,將不同年齡層、復康需要、族 裔背景的人士納入服務範圍之內。除了邀請海 外專家到港教授外地先進國家的介入模式,本 會去年亦安排同工探訪台灣精神復康及相關 機構,交換華人社會在這方面工作的心得與智 慧,希望全面提升本會精神健康服務的成效。 In the past year, the Society kept a close partnership with stakeholders in Shenzhen, Macau, Singapore, etc. Apart from the cooperation in individual cases and group services, the Society organized running team participating the Singapore ’Yellow Ribbon Prison Run’ hosted by Yellow Ribbon Project and the service users reflected that it’s a very good and memorable experience. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE The Society is officially granted the funding by the HKJCCT in August last year for the reconstruction of Shau Kei Wan House (SKWH), with a project named the Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project (JCCCP). The current house is planned to be demolished in 2020, existing service users are gradually moving out and the house is targeted to close in October 2019. Three Halfway Houses of the Society are increasing the in-takes to accept some of the residents from SKWH and maintaining the servicing quotas. One of the goals of JCCCP is to stimulate the innovation of Halfway House Service and create a more effective operation mode. With SWD’s gradual enhancement of subvention allocation to the services of Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), Occupational Therapist manpower and resources for service users’ children have been increased to cope with the increasing need last year. This year, a new clinical psychologist has been added to support ICCMW service. The Occupation Therapy Service not only meets the FSA set by SWD, but also successfully bid the tender of CSD and receiving extra resources to increase head count, providing service to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre and the Society’s service users. Other than the routine case counselling, group work service and community education, “Painting Color on Your Life 2.0”, “Human Library”, “A Tribute to Life Project — Life and Death Education” of Placidity Place, “Tranquility Indoor Farm”, and Ethnic Minorities Services of Placidity Place, etc. are able to include different age groups with diversified background and needs to our two ICCMWs. To further improve the services impacts, the Society invited overseas experts to share their advanced service models, and a visiting trip to Taiwan had been organised for exchanging the social work practical wisdoms that we both working for similar Chinese society background service users.
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