2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 98 本會第三屆慈善高爾夫球賽獲社會各界廣泛支持。 The 3rd SRACP Charity Golf was widely supported by different sectors of the society. SERVICE OVERVIEW The Corporate Communications Division (CCD) was set up with the responsibility to enhance external and internal communications, highlight and promote vision, mission, values and achievements of the society through the strategic delivery of our core activities including media management, promotional collaterals, fund raising event management, stakeholders communication and complaints handling. PROMOTION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS To further promote the agency’s service mission and values, CCD adopts an omni-channel marketing and promotion. Last year, we had 80 press release and more than 160 social media sharing, our facebook page followers recorded 50% increase and multi- channels of social media have been adopted to increase the interaction with the public. CCD is also responsible for varies regular promotion collaterals publication, including the annual report and newsletter to make sure the updated service messages are being delivered in time. To enhance our service quality, CCD handled the complaints and related inquiries, we replied and followed swiftly according to our service pledge. This year, we have nominated 38 companies as caring companies, heartfelt thanks have to be given to all corporates as for being supportive and to foster for the betterment of our services users. 服務概覽 機構傳訊部主要職責為通過策略性核心活動, 加強對外和對內的合作和溝通,宣傳本會的核 心價值、使命、願景和成就。當中工作包括: 傳媒管理、刊物製作、籌款活動籌辦、持份者 傳訊、申訴處理等。 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 推廣及公共關係 為了讓更多人認識本會理念,本會大力加強宣 傳,本年度媒體報導多達 80 次;社交媒體的發 佈也超過 160 次,臉書 (FB) 追蹤者錄得多於 50% 增長,二零一九年我們更新增不同平台,以進 一步加強和社會大眾互動。而本會也繼續出版 不同刊物,除了年報,我們定期出版《善訊》, 讓大眾從不同渠道了解最新服務;為了提升本 會服務質素,機構傳訊部亦負責處理查詢及申 訴事宜,憑藉服務承諾迅速回覆及跟進。 本年度,我們成功提名了 38 間愛心企業,在此 特別感謝各企業和機構無私的支持,加入我們 的更生康復工作,讓服務受眾再次獲得認同和 接納。 機構傳訊 Corporate Communications 本會去年舉辦全港賣旗日,共籌得超過 160 萬港元, 感謝各界支持。 Thanks to the concerted efforts of all supporters from the public, over HK$1.6 million was raised through The SRACP’s territory wide flag day last year.