2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 10 預防犯罪及社區教育服務 本會繼去年獲愛滋病信託基金撥款一千零五 十多萬元,延續水銀星三號計劃的四個項目 外,今年再獲禁毒基金撥款五百多萬元,延續 「 Care to Share 計劃」,為少數族裔濫藥人士提供 康復支援。現時健康服務主要針對有濫藥背景 的愛滋病及血液傳染病高危人士,為他們提供 血液測試,教育愛滋病及血液疾病預防知識, 涵蓋性工作者、男男性工作者及其顧客群組、 在囚人士及仍服用美沙酮的濫藥人士。本會健 康服務在油尖區工作超過十年,在區內形成緊 密的服務網絡,按區內需要靈活拓展不同項 目,預防及緩減因濫藥而導致的健康問題。 去年開始本會與「賽馬會大館」合作,於十月開 始推行教育劇場,以「裕盛辦館毒麵包案」及 「香港最後一個死囚」為題,為高小及中學生提 供以預防犯罪為目標的社區教育活動。此外, 模擬法庭•公義教育計劃至今成立已超過十 二年,已成為善導會預防犯罪教育品牌項目。 去年,計劃再獲禁毒基金及黃英豪博士伉儷贊 助,有 37 間主流及群育學校參與,計劃更引進 VR 虛擬實境技術及動畫短片,讓參加者體驗 與毒品相關的刑責與禍害。同時亦與少年警訊 合作,提供一個於警察學院進行的模擬法庭比 賽,惠及 20 間學校。 繼成功公演音樂劇《英雄本色》及《破繭天使》, 本會預防犯罪教育服務的「甦星劇團」去年推出 新劇目《論盡我阿媽》,以一名濫藥更生人士的 母親為主線,帶出富濃厚親情的家庭關係。劇 中部份參演成員為有濫藥背景或更生人士,演 繹自身的經驗,情感豐富,劇力萬鈞。此外, 本會與黃大仙撲滅罪行委員會合辦「 3S 更生加 油站」,創作《更生出發》歌曲,由本會童心童樂 合唱團在流動宣傳車上獻唱,於今年三月在黃 大仙區巡迴唱歌,宣傳滅罪助更生訊息。 CRIME PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICE AIDS Trust Fund has generously granted over HK$10.5 million last year to support the 4 projects under Mercury III — Intensive Support and Prevention Programme for AIDS and Blood Borne Diseases (Project M3). Some HK$5 million granted by Beat Drugs Fund was acquired by the Society to extend Project Care to Share which supported the ethnic minorities communities to fight against drugs. The present services target of Health Education Service (HES) include AIDS and blood-borne diseases high risk community with drug abusing history, sex workers, men who have sex with men, prisoners and Methadone takers. HES has been established in Yau Ma Tei area for over decades, a strong district network has been developed and many service projects were tailor-made accordingly. Starting from last October, the Society began the joint venture with Tai Kwun in form of Education Courtroom Theatre for senior primary and secondary students, themed “Poisoned Bread of Esing Bakery Incident” and “Hong Kong’s Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty”. Mock Trial Justice Education Project (Project MT) has been running for 12 years and become one of the signature crime prevention programmes. Last year, Project MT was financially supported by the Beat Drugs Fund and Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy WONG, it served 37 secondary schools including both mainstream schools and schools for social development. VR technology in the workshop and animation video were adopted for the first time. Joined hand with Junior Police Call, Mock Trial competition was organized in Moot Court at the Hong Kong Police College with 20 secondary schools participated. Following the previous drama shows “Heros” and “Cocoon Angel”, the ’STAR Theatre’ presented the third play ’Our Mothers’. The play was about motherhood and stories in relation with mothers. As some of the actors shared similar drug-taking experiences or ex-offender background, the play was contagious and has received stunning feedback. Moreover, our Children Choir together with Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee members had recorded a song namely “Reborn” to promote the message of supporting rehabilitated ex-offenders. Transported by a furnished van, the team performed and broadcasted the crime prevention message in the district.