2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 12 中央行政 「服務表現為本員工評核機制」去年正式全面 執行,中層管理員工第一次參與「共識表現評 核會」,初步確定專業職級或以上各員工的評 核。雖然程序較繁瑣,但同工普遍覺得制度容 讓同工獲得更公平公正的評核,而以此為基礎 的員工獎勵及薪酬調整制度,亦獲同工認同。 為進一步加強同工對本會的歸屬感,去年開 始,本會除提供比勞工法例水平更優越的分娩 假及侍產假,更推出及籌備多項嶄新的人力資 源措施:當中包括推出「加油站」項目,讓同工 每月有一日延長用膳時間,並為各單位提供預 算購買小食,讓同工分享,促進員工互動,加 強團隊成員友好氣氛。此外亦推出「優悠年計 劃」(類似大學所推行的 Gap Year 計劃)及表現 為本的延遲退休計劃等等。過去一年,人力資 源及中央行政團隊正努力籌備更換資訊數據系 統,期望於明年年底,新系統全面取代已使用 超過十年的甲骨文人力資源系統。 去年起新的 FlexSystem 財務系統已全面啟用, 至今運作暢順,亦協助同工適時完成年度核數 及其他項目計劃的核數要求。由今年起,所有 內部財務文件批核,已透過電子流程管理系統 Adobe Sign 送交主管簽署批核;同時,為減少 單位員工到銀行入票或提取現金,所有單位的 零用現金持有人均已開設銀行戶口,以便本會 直接把償還款項轉賬到該戶口,大大加強財務 程序效率,而個別單位亦開始以八達通收取費 用,而機構內部銀行戶口轉賬亦全面透過網上 處理。由於銀行服務不斷電子化,本會財務管 理亦盡量使用互聯網及電子平台,讓中央部門 與地區單位的財務文件交收,更快速準確。為 使單位同工適應電子化財務程序,財務部過去 一年持續為各單位安排培訓及分享會,此外亦 不定期進行突擊財務覆核,使財務管理達致良 好管治水平。 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION The Performance Based Human Resources System has been implemented last year, the middle management members participated in the Assessment Alignment Board (ABB) for the first time, reviewed and aligned the overall appraisal grade for all professional or above grade. The procedures were relatively trivial but it was generally accepted by staff in regard of its fairness in forming the bases for salary adjustment. To further improve the staff’s sense of belonging, the Society offered maternity leave and paternity leave that are superior to the Labour Legislation, and more new human resources policy has been launched, such as “Happy Employees” scheme, which include “Extra one-hour meal break” per month, and “budget for snacks” to encourage more sharing and interaction among colleagues, in which sense of belonging can be strengthened. Besides, the “Gap Year Plan”, “Performance Based Retirement Extension”, etc. will also be launched. The Human Resources & Administration Division is preparing the new HR system, replacing the existing Oracle system which has been developed decades ago. The new Financial Management System (FMS) FlexSystem was fully adapted to the financial management and audit requirements last year. Starting from this year, all finance related documents submission have to utilize Adobe Sign for supervisor’s signature and approval, meanwhile all units have representative in registering a bank account for easier management of petty cash, and most of the service units have begun to adopt Octopus Card payment and all banking accounts of the Society have registered the e-banking services. The Society intends to keep up the pace with the electronic banking service and enhance the logistic flow of internal file hand around. Finance Division will continuously empower the colleagues to adopt the new systems, and also random check will be continued to enhance financial management efficiency.