2018 - 2019 年報
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 32 「義務律師諮詢計劃」 因資源短缺,現時一些候審人士未能獲得合適 的法律援助,以致他們儘管不理解法律條文和 原則,也要獨力完成法律程序。有見及此,我 們推出「義務律師諮詢計劃」,招募律師,為候 審人士安排周詳的法律諮詢服務,並由專責社 工協助他們完成法律程序。於二零一八至二零 一九年度,共有三位候審人士接受服務。 法治工作坊和法院參觀 法院社工團隊不時應邀舉行法治工作坊和法院 參觀活動,向不同背景的社區人士,簡介刑事 司法程序和法律常識,宣揚法治精神及預防犯 罪訊息。於二零一八年至二零一九年度,本服 務共舉辦了六次活動,參加者包括違法人士及 其家屬、香港基督教服務處深中樂 Teen 會青少 年社工、利民會黃大仙友樂坊社工、以及來自 國內社工學生,包括浙江師範大學、浙江理工 大學、深圳大學心理與社會學院、上海大學、 華南師範大學和福州大學。 FREE LEGAL ADVICE SCHEME Due to the lack of resources, some defendants who will attend court hearings have to go through all legal procedures alone but without appropriate legal aid, nor they have knowledge of legal principles and provisions. The Society therefore launched the Free Legal Advice Scheme, which voluntary lawyers were invited to provide them with legal advice, while our social workers assisted them to complete legal procedures. Three defendants received this service in 2018/2019. WORKSHOP ON THE RULE OF LAW AND COURT VISIT Our team was frequently invited to organise workshops for community members on the rule of law and court visits. We treasured these opportunities to introduce the criminal proceedings and basic legal knowledge to the community and elevate the awareness of crime prevention and promoting the spirit of the rule of law. In 2018/2019, six activities were organised and attracted participants who were ex-convicts and their families, social workers from Shamshuipo Central Happy Teens Club of Hong Kong Christian Service, ALOHA(WTS) of Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong as well as social worker students from different universities in Mainland China including Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Shenzhen University, Shanghai University, South China Normal University and Fuzhou University.
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