2018 - 2019 年報
2018–2019 37 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 發展綜合服務模式 去年本會積極發展綜合服務模式,將康樂中心 和社會服務中心合併為社會康復及支援綜合服 務中心,希望透過服務整合,為服務使用者提 供一站式的到位服務。本會在順利完成各項籌 備工作和地區諮詢後,於二零一九年五月正式 在港九新界各區成立四間社會康復及支援綜合 服務中心(共七個服務點)。除了個人層面外, 更生人士在家庭和社區層面的康復亦十分重 要。在新的服務模式下,本會強調與社區的合 作、以及為更生人士的家人提供服務。此外, 各綜合服務中心亦透過俱樂部和互助小組等活 動,訓練已康復的更生人士踏上新的階梯,以 朋輩身份服務其他同路人。 創新多元服務 本會致力發展的創新多元服務。在住屋服務 上,本會積極連繫社區力量,與善心業主、義 務建築師及設計師繼續合作發展「甦屋計劃」, 為服務使用者提供有質素的住屋選擇。除了油 麻地和新蒲崗兩個「甦屋」單位,本會在周大福 慈善基金資助下,與道光道德會合作,於二零 一八年十一月在油麻地建立第三間「甦屋」單 位,供 8 位單身男性入住。 ESTABLISHMENT OF INTEGRATED SERVICE CENTRE (ISC) Last year, the Society combined Recreation Centre and Social Service Centre as Integrated Service Centres (ISC), aiming to provide one-stop services for the users. Upon completion of preparation works and local consultations, four ISCs (Total 7 revival hubs) are established in different districts in May 2019. As family and community support play a significant role in the rehabilitation of individual, integrated service model emphasizes on strengthening community linkage and providing service to ex- offenders’ family. Moreover, the ISCs organised club house and mutual support groups activities with an objective to train up those rehabilitated ex-offenders as peer supporter to serve other users with similar background. INNOVATIVE SERVICES WITH MULTI NATURE The Society contributes great effort to develop innovative services with multi-nature. We linked up with conscientious landowners, volunteer architects and designers to further expand SoUK Project, which have established 2 units in Yau Ma Tei and San Po Kong, aiming to provide affordable housing with good quality for service users. Thanks to Toa Kwong Toa Teh Association Limited and funding support from Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, the third SoUK unit was completed and accommodated eight single males since November 2018 in Yau Ma Tei. 油康滙舉辦健康講座。 YMTRH organised health talk. 建康滙「健康義聚」。 KSRH volunteers prepared healthy soup and food for users. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 竹康滙家庭日營 – 粉彩活動。 CYRH family day camp: drawing with families. 社會康復及支援綜合服務中心正式成立。 Kick-off meeting for the establishment of Integrated Service Centres.
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