2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 38 鑒於長期濫藥人士需要緊密的支援網絡,方能 成功戒除毒癮;竹康滙繼續發展「老友鬼鬼」計 劃,訓練朋輩支援員及義工外展接觸活躍濫藥 者,並為服務對象建立互助小組,運用「服務 使用者參與」理念,協助濫藥人士轉化為「同行 者」 / 「助人者」的身份,與濫藥人士一同重建正 面的生活模式,減少吸毒行為。此計劃於二零 一九年三月起成功申請禁毒基金資助,服務範 圍將再作擴展。 建構社區連繫 本會致力與海外更生服務機構聯繫,去年組織 了社工、更生康復的服務使用者和精神健康 服務的復元人士,參加新加坡舉行的「 Yellow Ribbon Run 」十公里賽事,藉此宣揚更生康復訊 息。在活動中參加者除了擴闊視野,增強康復 意志和信心,更學習與不同人士相處,達至彼 此支持和共融。 本會與本地多個團體繼續合作,例如:與香港 扶輪社添馬分社合作,舉辦烹飪比賽和中醫 講座,向服務使用者推廣健康生活的訊息﹔與 慈山寺的同工進行服務交流;埔康滙所舉辦的 「守護者實現計劃」亦進一步推廣至服務不同地 區的兒童。 In view of that intensive support network is essential for the active drug users to achieve drug withdrawal, CYRH designed the “Buddies & Buddies Project” to provide peer support service for hidden drug users. “Service users participation” is applied to transform the drug users’ identity as “Buddies” and “Volunteers” in order to reduce the frequency and risk in drug taking through rebuilding a prosocial lifestyle in mutual support groups with peer supporters. The Society is most grateful that The Beat Drug Fund granted support to the project in March 2019 for service extension in the coming years. ESTABLISH COMMUNITY LINKAGE To connect with overseas ex-offender rehabilitation sector, the Society formed a running team including social workers, ex- offenders and persons in mentally recovery to participate 10 km competition in the “Yellow Ribbon Run” programme in Singapore. Such overseas experience has widened users’ horizons, strengthened their confidence and they learned to support people with different background in this new journey. In maintaining good relationship with local community partners, the Society continued cooperation with the Rotary E-Club of Tamar Hong Kong to organise cooking competition and health talk for the service users to promote healthy living. Furthermore, service exchange session with the colleagues of Tsz Shan Monastery was organised. The “Doodle Doll Project: Be my Protector” organised by TPRH was expanded to serve young children at different regions. 16 位香港善導會會友參與新加坡舉行的「 Yellow Ribbon Run 2018 」。 16 SRACP service users joined the “Yellow Ribbon Run 2018“ in Singapore.