2018 - 2019 年報
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 40 建立正面生活模式是踏上成功康復的重要一 步,故此本會近年大力推廣有關身心靈健康的 活動。當中包括港康滙和埔康滙成立健身班和 跑步隊、油康滙為服務使用者舉辦「生果大行 動」和健康講座、建康滙亦舉辦恆常活動,安排 社區義工為會友預備健康湯水和食物。 提供優質輔導及強化個案管理 除了實證為本的介入手法外,同工們積極學習 和應用不同的輔導理論,包括以敍事治療方 式帶領更生人士家屬小組,並透過生死教育, 讓他們獨立自主,選擇自己葬禮後事,活出尊 嚴,放下被標籤犯事者家人的身份,重新接受 自己。此外,各綜合服務中心延續與感化辦事 處的合作,在心理學家和法院社工的協助下, 繼續第四年為受重複盜竊和性行為困擾之人 士,舉辦治療性小組及支援服務,協助他們走 出困局,邁向康復之路。來年將進一步在個案 工作和懲教院所舉辦的小組上應用 PERMA+ 和 美好生命模式,以深化服務果效。 去年,本會不斷優化 ORSIS 個案管理系統,讓同 工準確記錄個案和小組服務內容,提供更全面 的服務統計報告。 Developing positive lifestyle is an important step in rehabilitation. Therefore, our Society strongly promoted the message of wellbeing in service delivery at ISCs. Last year, HKRH and TPRH organised fitness classes and running teams. YMTRH continued “Fruity Project” and health talks for users. In addition, KSRH arranged volunteers to prepare healthy soup and food for users in regular programmes. QUALITY COUNSELLING AND CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM In order to enhance the service quality for users, ISC colleagues learned and applied different therapies on top of evidence-based practice. For example, using narrative therapy in leading groups of ex-offenders’ families. Through life-and-death education, let the elder members to decide their own funeral matters so as to release themselves from the stigma of ex-offender families and to live with dignity. Under the cooperation with Probation Offices as well as the assistance of Clinical Psychologist and Court Social Work Service, ISCs have continued the therapeutic groups for those affected by repetitive stealing behavior and committed sex- related offence respectively for the fourth year. The aims of the groups were to facilitate the members building up mutual support network and develop their strengths in rehabilitation. In the coming year, ISC colleagues will strengthen their skills in applying PERMA+ and Good Lives Model in casework and intervention groups at CSD institutions. Furthermore, the case management system, ORSIS, has been revamped to facilitate timely record of casework and group work services and to enhance the accuracy of statistic reporting. 港康滙治療性小組活動。 HKRH therapeutic groups activities. 更生人士家屬小組進行生死教育,為重要的人寫下遺書。 Life-and-death education for ex-offenders' family group: writing testament for their loved ones.
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