2018 - 2019 年報
2018–2019 41 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 服務概覽 住宿是更生人士出獄後要面對的最大問題之 一,所以本會提供過渡性住宿服務,幫助更生 人士盡快安頓下來及重投社會。此外,本會亦 提供最多兩個月的短期租金津貼,幫助未能獲 得宿位及沒有領取綜合社會保障援助計劃援助 的更生人士尋覓居所。 SERVICE OVERVIEW To help newly released prisoners tackle one of their greatest difficulties after discharge, we provide transitional accommodation service for them to settle down as early as possible and reintegrate into the community. For those who do not receive hostel service or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, we will provide short-term rental assistance for them to rent private cubicles or non-SRACP hostel spaces for a maximum of two months. 住宿服務 Accommodation Service 服務數據 SERVICE DATA * 由社會福利署資助 Subvented by Social Welfare Department # 由已康復的更生人士自行管理 Managed by rehabilitated service users 男宿舍 * Male Hostel 女宿舍 Female Hostel 自務宿舍 # Other hostel 短期租金津貼計劃 Short-term Rental Assistance for Discharged Prisoners (SRA) 5 宿舍數量 No. of hostel 1 宿舍數量 No. of hostel 1 宿舍數量 No. of hostel 424 總資助人次 No. of beneficiaries 82% 平均入住率 Average occupancy rate at male hostel service in a year 80.7% 平均入住率 Average occupancy rate at female hostel service in a year 52.8% 平均入住率 Average occupancy rate at Yuk Tak hostel service in a year $1,035,293 總資助金額 Total subvented amount 120 宿位數量 No. of bed spaces 10 宿位數量 No. of bed spaces 6 宿位數量 No. of bed spaces 565 總津貼月數 No. of months of SRA provided for discharged prisoners 227 2018/2019 年度入住人次 No. of admission at male hostel service in a year 2018/2019 30 2018/2019 年度入住人次 No. of admission at female hostel service in a year 2018/2019
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