2018 - 2019 年報
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 52 加入 PERMA+ 理念基礎, 強化復康成效 本計劃加入 PERMA+ 作理念基礎,從不同面向 強化吸毒人士及已戒毒人士的生活和人際關係 以達到加強戒毒動機和強化戒毒後復康的效 果。在本年度,我們組成了一個街頭健身小組 「 Wellness Friday 」,讓已成功戒除毒癮的服務使 用者可以透過街頭健身強化自己身體質素,並 在過程中慢慢體會注重身體健康的重要性,最 終達成改變生活模式並強化戒毒康復的效果。 「 Wellness Friday 」由有物理治療並有豐富健身知 識的少數族裔朋輩支援員帶領,把專業知識和 健身技巧融入小組,並利用九龍公園的免費公 共空間帶領服務使用者進行各種徒手健身訓 練。參加小組的組員在參加了小組三個月後體 能及體格有明顯的改善,並培養出健身的興趣 以及健康生活的習慣,他們會自發地在假日及 空閒時間去進行健身活動及行山,體現小組的 成效。他們亦呼籲身邊朋友參加小組,達到宣 傳的果效。部分組員表示,以往經歷過數次重 吸的失敗,街頭健身小組加強了他們對康復和 持守的信心。 年度重點 Highlights of the Year APPLY PERMA+ THEORY IN THE SERVICE TO ENHANCE THE DRUG REHABILITATION We adopt PERMA+ as the theoretic base to enhance the service users’ motivation of quitting drugs and drug rehabilitation by strengthening their well-being of different elements in their life. In this year, we formed a regular street-fitness group called “Wellness Friday” with rehabilitees. We hope the service users can strengthen their body quality and arouse their awareness towards the health, in order to build up their healthy life-style and strengthen their rehabilitation. “Wellness Friday” is led by the peer supporter who has physiotherapy background and familiar with fitness training skills. Members were making use of the free public area in Kowloon Park to do equipment-free fitness exercises. After three months, they showed significant changes in body weight and shape. To reflect the group effectiveness, members developed interests in doing fitness exercises or self-arranged hiking activities in their leisure time; proactively recommended their friends with similar background to join the group. Moreover, some participants found different rehabilitation experience and believed that fitness trainings play an important role in their rehabilitation. 參加了「 Wellness Friday 」街頭健身小組的服務使用者在九龍公園的公共空間進 行空手健身練習,以改善身強質素達致強化戒毒康復的效果。 Participants of street fitness group “Wellness Friday” did the exercise in Kowloon Park’s public area in order to strengthen their body quality thus enhance their drug rehabilitation. 我們聯同香港卡巴迪聯盟舉辦「卡巴迪體驗日」活動予服務使 用者,讓他們嘗試這種已成為奧運項目的傳統運動。 We cooperated with Kabaddi United Hong Kong to play the traditional game of South-Asian countries “Kabaddi” with our service users.
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