2018 - 2019 年報
The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 54 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 發展非華裔高危青少年的強項 協助非華裔高危青少年發展其興趣是計劃本 年度的重點服務之一。計劃按非華裔高危青少 年自身的興趣,例如傳統尼泊爾舞蹈、樂隊音 樂、籃球以及板球,每週舉辦培訓,藉此提升 非華裔高危青少年的自我效能感、強化他們對 毒品的抗拒能力,從而減少非華裔高危青少年 的吸毒可能。 透過網上外展服務向隱蔽吸毒者提 供介入服務 本年度另一重點服務就是網上外展服務,透過 不同的社交媒體,向少數族裔青少年進行服 務的介入,亦讓不同背景的少數族裔青少年 了解到本計劃的服務,同時讓隱蔽的吸毒者 可以多一個求助的方法。除此之外,本計劃的 Facebook 專頁亦提供不同的健康資訊,強化服 務使用者的健康意識。 DEVELOPING THE STRENGTHS OF AT-RISK EM YOUTH We assist at-risk EM youths to develop their interests. Such as traditional Nepalese dance, band music, basketball and cricket, trainings would be provided every week, which enhance the self- efficacy of at-risk EM youths, as well as strengthen their ability on the resistance to drugs, thereby reducing the potential for drug abuse among at-risk EM youths. PROVIDE EARLIER INTERVENTION SERVICES TO HIDDEN DRUG USERS THROUGH ONLINE OUTREACH SERVICES Online outreaching in different social media was another key service of the year. It allows EM youth from different background to understand our service and also provide those hidden drug users one more way to seek help. In addition, the Project’s Facebook page provided different health information so as to increase the health awareness of service users. 由少數族裔青少年所組成的三人樂隊於義工嘉許禮演出。 EM Youth band team performed in the “Volunteers Appreciation Ceremony”. 少數族裔青少年參加拳擊工作坊,藉以建立健康生活。 EM youth though joining the Thai Boxing workshop to build up healthy life style.
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