2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 4 本港人口老化加劇,本會亦關注年長服務使用 者的獨特需要,遂與新界南總警區合作推行 「耆望計劃」,專為有早期腦退化症徵狀的年長 被捕者而設,提供新介入服務模式,並支援其 家庭。計劃至今開展兩年,成效理想。 本會去年就「青年前路探索計劃」進行一項社會 影響評估研究,結果顯示計劃對青年在開展事 業和創業帶來正面影響,成果令人鼓舞。計劃 再度獲恒生銀行贊助,助青年邁向成功之路。 不忘初心 服務特別對象群體 預防犯罪及社區教育是本會核心服務之一,當 中特別對象群體的需要更是本會一直關注的範 疇。本會再度獲愛滋病信託基金撥款,繼續支 持本會水銀星三號計劃轄下四個項目,加強在 囚人士、男男性接觸者,高危吸毒者,以及女 性性工作者及其顧客的愛滋病及血液傳染疾病 預防教育及支援工作。 同時,本會亦獲得禁毒基金的資助,以推展兩 個關於少數族裔項目,包括預防高風險青年吸 毒,以及加強對吸毒者及其家人提供康復支援 服務,從而提升他們的抗毒能力,減低毒品對 此族群禍害。 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃和「甦星」劇團是本會 預防犯罪服務的重點項目。去年,模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃獲黃英豪博士伉儷慷慨捐款支 持,為包括群育學校在內的三十七所中學提供 服務。本會亦與少年警訊合作,安排二十所中 學在香港警察學院的模擬法庭進行少年警訊模 擬法庭比賽。至於「甦星」劇團去年演出第三個 劇目「論盡我阿媽」,採用了「選擇劇場」互動形 式,讓觀眾投選表演情節,與演員共同建構故 事。 持續改善 優化社會福利署津助服務 本會力求精益求精,多方面優化由社會福利署 資助的服務。去年,本會積極發展綜合更生康 復服務模式,將康樂中心和社會服務中心合 併,在港九新界各區成立四間社會康復及支援 綜合服務中心,冀透過服務整合,以加強與社 區的合作,並為更生人士的家人提供適切的支 援。與此同時,本會引入服務效益量度指標, 可更有效審視更生康復服務的方向和成效。 The Society is also concerned about the special needs of elderly offenders who have early signs of dementia or cognitive impairment. We have partnered with the police from New Territories South Regional Police Headquarters in “Project Hope” to adopt new intervention methods for this group and their families. The Hang Seng Bank has renewed their sponsorship for the Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme (HSYCP). According to our research, this program has positive impact on young persons in career exploration and entrepreneurship. CONTINUATION OF TIME-HONOURED PROJECTS FOR SPECIAL TARGET GROUPS Crime prevention and community education is the Society’s core service in which the need of special target groups is always the Society’s utmost concern. The Society has obtained a further grant from the AIDS Trust Fund to support four projects under Project Mercury III. These projects promote the prevention and detection of AIDS and blood-borne diseases for prisoners; men who have sex with men; drug abusers and female sex workers and their patrons. The Society has also obtained grants from Beat Drugs Fund to implement two projects for ethnic minorities (EM) in tackling drug problems in these communities. One is drug prevention project for EM youth, while the other is rehabilitation services for EM drug users and their families. Mock Trial Justice Education Project and “STAR Theatre” are two main foci under the Society’s crime prevention services. With the sponsorship from Dr. and Mrs. Kenndey WONG, 37 secondary schools participated in the Mock Trial Project last year. Besides the main stream Mock Trial program, the Society collaborated with Junior Police Call (JPC) to implement JPC Mock Trial Competition at the Moot Court of Hong Kong Police College. 20 secondary schools joined the JPC Mock Trial Competition. For STAR Theatre, an interactive approach was introduced in the drama “Our Mothers” in which the audience could vote and decide which episode to be performed next. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OPTIMISING SUBVENTED SERVICES The Society has continued to look into ways to improve the services which received regular funding from the SWD. In order to promote family perspective and community based approach, the Society’s Recreation Service Centre and Social Service Centre were merged to form Integrated Service Centre (ISC). Four ISCs were established to serve ex-offenders and their families across the territory. In the meantime, outcome indicators were added to all services under the FSA for “Services for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners”.