2018 - 2019 年報

78 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 服務質素監察 在 90 多間培訓機構當中,本會是其中 18 間榮獲 僱員再培訓局頒發課程質素表現持續優異嘉許 狀的機構,以表揚本培訓機構連續 5 年在課程 質素方面取得優異成績。 此外,本會參與 ERB 年度頒獎禮二零一八至二 一九,我們榮獲「 ERB 課程管理獎」及「 ERB 就業 服務獎」。本會導師、學員及僱主亦分別獲頒發 「 ERB 優異導師獎」、「 ERB 傑出學員獎」及「 ERB 傑 出僱主獎」。 SERVICE QUALITY CONTROL Our Society was one of the eighteen ERB training bodies which awarded the Certificate of Recognition for the Outstanding Performance of Course Quality for five consecutive years by ERB, among more than 90 training bodies. We participated in ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony 2018-19 and the Society won the “ERB Outstanding Award for Placement Services”. At the same time, our trainer, trainee and employers received the “ERB Merit Award for Trainers”, “ERB Outstanding Award for Trainees” and “ERB Outstanding Award for Employers” respectively. ERB 年度頒獎禮 2018-19 得獎導師、學員及僱主與本會職員合照。 Group photo of staff and awardees in ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony 2018-19. ERB 職業前路規劃基礎證書學員參觀寵物酒店,以了解行業發展。 ERB Trainees of Foundation Certificate in Career Planning were visiting Pets Hotel to understand the career development. 專業發展 為配合前線同工的專業發展,我們除了邀請容 曾莘薇博士提供「現實治療法」督導及研習小 組,亦定期安排同工進行個案會議,以支援同 工在個案、小組及培訓工作上之應用。 為加強服務團隊間之合作,我們針對各服務使 用者的需要進行檢討,並專門制定不同服務的 個案管理及輔導介入手法。此外,讓同工們定 期交流個案工作手法,加強服務間之連繫。 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT In response to the professional development need of our frontline staff, we invited Dr. Grace YUNG to conduct supervision and study groups on the theme of “Reality Therapy”, and regularly conducted the case conference to facilitate its application on casework, group work and trainings. To further strengthen the cooperation among services, we reviewed different service users’ needs in different service teams, and established the case management and intervention in each team respectively. Workers exchanged opinions on the case management in order to strengthen the connection among service teams.