2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 86 《論盡我阿媽》由六段母親與子女的故事組成,情節令人動容。 “Our Mothers” was composed of six episodes about mothers and their children, which touched the audiences’ heart. 社區教育活動 甦星劇團 甦星劇團第三個劇目《論盡我阿媽》於二零一八 年十一月二日至四日假賽馬會創意藝術中心演 出四場,觀眾合共 401 人,好評如潮。劇目以母 親為主題,講述不同角色與母親之間的故事和 經歷,情節觸動人心。此外,演出採用了「選擇 劇場」作為戲劇形式,讓觀眾投選選段,和演員 一同建構故事。 「滅罪 • 助更生」 本會的童心童樂合唱團與更生人士及三位黃大 仙區撲滅罪行委員會委員合作錄製歌曲《更生 出發》,冀凝聚不同層面的聲音,表達攜手助更 生的信念。二零一九年三月十六日,廣播著《更 生出發》主題曲的流動車穿梭黃大仙區,一眾 童心童樂合唱團的團員以預防犯罪大使的身份 於流動宣傳車上獻唱勵志歌曲,以歌聲宣揚滅 罪與共融的訊息。 除此以外,本單位亦與大埔區撲滅罪行委員會 合作,分別為大埔區的小學、中學舉辦了「懲 教 • 情教」及「更生 • 甦」兩項活動。「懲教 • 情 教」讓學生們代入庭上角色,認識違法所帶來 的後果,而「更生 • 甦」則透過體驗活動,讓學 生體會違法所帶來的刑責後果及更生路上的困 難。 COMMUNITY EDUCATION STAR Theatre “Our Mothers“ is the third play of STAR Theatre, which was performed at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre during 2–4 November 2018 with four shows completed. It attracted a total of 401 audience and received waves of optimal feedbacks. The play was about motherhood and stories in relation to mothers. The stories touched the hearts of many audiences. Moreover, the play adopted an innovative method, audiences could select their desired episodes and co-create the stories with actors. Crime Prevention and Support for Rehabilitated Ex-offenders Our Choir, together with rehabilitated ex-offenders and 3 committee members from Wong Tai Sin District Fight Crime Committee, recorded a song namely “Reborn” to promote the message of “supporting rehabilitated ex-offenders”. On 16 March 2019, a furnished van ran in the district to broadcast the song. Members of the Choir took up the role of “Fight Crime Ambassador” and sang in the van to spread messages of crime prevention and social integration. In collaboration with Tai Po District Fight Crime Committee, two programmes were designed for primary and secondary schools. The primary school programme brought students to a mock trial and let them enact different roles to understand the consequences of committing crimes. The secondary school programme consisted of various experiential activities, offering students chances to experience and reflect on the consequence of committing crimes. They could learn more about the difficulties encountered by ex- offenders. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 「童心童樂合唱團」於流動宣傳車上獻唱勵志歌曲,宣揚預防 犯罪與共融的訊息。 Our choir performed on a furnished van to disseminate crime prevention and social integration messages.