
107 執行委員會、委員會及義務顧問退 修活動 本會 17 位執行委員、委員及義務顧問,與機構 管理團隊於二零一九年十二月共同參與退修活 動,討論機構未來五年的發展方向,並制定來 年策略目標,包括了解服務使用者的需要,尤 其受社會事件之影響;轉化服務使用者或朋輩 成為貢獻者;發展服務指標,以及透過人才培 訓,培養持續學習文化。 善導培訓中心推動專業發展 本會獲廣東省社會工作師聯合會邀請授課,提 供為期 4 天的「禁毒社會工作人員專業能力提 升訓練班」。我們派出 8 位代表到廣州授課,內 容包括簡介香港禁毒服務、危機評估方法及動 機式晤談法、禁毒理論、本會朋輩支援服務經 驗等;並即場示範以靜觀應對心理對毒品的渴 求,參與者反應熱烈,促進兩地專業交流。 EXCO, Committee Members and Honorary Consultants Retreat EXCO, Committee Members and Honorary Consultants Retreat of the Society was held in December 2019. Seventeen EXCO members, committee members, consultants and Agency Management Team joined together to conceive collectively the five-year strategic plan of the Society. Strategic focuses were discussed for the coming year, including identifying service users’ needs especially those affected by the social incidents, transforming service users or peers into contributors, developing service indicators and cultivating continuous learning culture through talent development. SRACP Training Centre Promotes Professional Development We were glad to be invited to provide four-day training named “Anti-Drug Professional Training” to Guangdong Professional Social Workers Association in November 2019. Eight representatives of the Society hosted the training in Guangdong. The training included the overview of drug prevention services in Hong Kong, practical skills like risk assessment and motivational interviewing, theories on addictive behavior, live demonstration of mindfulness practice in handling craving were also conducted. In addition, representatives shared our Society’s peer supporter service experience with mainland practitioners. Participants were enthusiastic and it could help promote mutual professional exchanges. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 執行委員會、委員會及義務顧問在退修活動與機構管理 團隊合照。 Group photo of EXCO, Committee Members, Honorary Consultants and senior management staff at Retreat of SRACP. 本會導師與廣東省社會工作師聯合會合照留念。 Our trainers took a group photo with Guangdong Professional Social Workers Association. The DO School 顧問與本會管理層、督導主任及社工介紹賽馬會 社工創新力量計劃。 Consultant of The DO School was invited to share the programme of InnoPower@JC-Fellowship for Social Worker with our senior management, supervisors and social workers.