
9 We hope to benefit more social disadvantaged people by upholding our motto and developing services with the service models mentioned above. So Uk 2.0 With the support of generous landlords, the “Chow Tai Fook Foundation” and corporate partners, the Society has operated the “So Uk” project since 2017 which aimed to provide leading and flexible innovative hostel services. The synergy arose allowed us to operate 3 hostel units in Yau Ma Tei and San Po Kong to offer transitional housing to ex-offenders and their families. This year, the Society took a step forward to operate the “So Uk 2.0” project under the Community Housing Movement of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service located on Staunton Street in Central aimed at establishing a simulated family support network on top of addressing housing needs for single residents from different backgrounds through a three-generation co-housing model. The project extended to serving out-of-home youths and PIR so that we help our service users reintegrate into society and establish a positive attitude with diversified personal development and group activities. Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project The Society actively deployed resources to develop services to those in need. The “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project — redevelopment of Shau Kei Wan House funded by “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust” (HKJCCT) has adopted the Foyer Model, which is widely implemented in European countries and Australia, as well as the Recovery Model to provide support to out-of-home youths and PIR in their transitions, social networking as well as life-skill development. The redevelopment project made a big leap forward in May 2020. In addition to the statutory and utilities submission to the Buildings Department, HKJC’s approval of setting up of an internal building team ensured professional management for the construction project. With a blueprint of the future development, the team will meet with Social Welfare Department and Eastern District Council to solicit support and advice on the community engagement plan. On the other hand, the work of identifying a research partner for the research and service model development is still undergoing. Social Return on Investment would be focused that we aimed at bringing service inspiration to the field by developing evidence- based innovative service. 本會秉持上述以人為本的信念及服務模式,穩 健發展及開拓一系列服務,期望讓更多弱勢社 群受惠。 「甦屋 2.0 」計劃 自二零一七年起,本會在善心業主、「周大福慈 善基金」及企業伙伴支持下推出「甦屋」計劃, 致力為更生人士及弱勢社群提供具前瞻性及靈 活性的創新住宿服務,積極協調社會資源,先 後在油麻地及新蒲崗營運三個單位,為更生人 士及其家人提供過渡性住宿服務。今年,本會 更進一步,營運香港社會服務聯會「社會房屋 共享計劃」的士丹頓街項目,於二月推出全新 的「跨代獨居人士共住計劃」(甦屋 2.0 ),服務對 象擴展至不同背景的獨居人士,包括家外青年 及精神復元人士等,在解決弱勢社群住屋需要 的同時,亦照顧獨居人士無法與家人共住的孤 獨感。除住宿及支援服務外,本會亦替服務使 用者安排多元化個人發展及聯誼活動,協助服 務使用者融入社區,建立正面積極的人生。 賽馬會「拍住上」共居社區計劃 除了「甦屋」計劃,本會亦積極運用資源為有 需要人士提供嶄新服務。由「香港賽馬會慈善 信託基金」鼎力支持的筲箕灣宿舍重建項目 — 「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」參照歐洲及澳 洲為無家可歸青年所採用的「共同生活模式 」 (Foyer Model) ,並揉合「復元模式」,讓精神復元 人士與在院舍成長的青年共居,期間會提供過 渡性支援服務,加強他們與社區的連繫,以及 能夠自立生活。 計劃於今年五月取得重大進展。本會除了向屋 宇署提交了法定和公用事務申請外,亦獲得香 港賽馬會批准建立內部建築規劃管理團隊,以 加強對此重建項目的專業監督和管理。本會亦 會就重建項目未來發展藍圖與社會福利署及東 區區議會會面,並積極尋求各方對本會公眾諮 詢計劃上的建議,務求整合各方意見,為社區 帶來最大效益。與此同時,本會積極物色合適 的研究合作夥伴,共同研究新的服務模式及檢 討其成效,以及加入公益投資社會報酬分析, 以實證模式開發創新的服務,期望為社福界帶 來新的服務啟示。