
霓虹燈管,獅子山下,本會多年來扎根於這個東方之 珠,活力天堂。儘管香港過去一年經歷陰霾,豈有久 霜,總有天晴。 今年封面設計以 3D 插畫描繪香港特色的面貌,並加入 「刮刮卡」元素,於封面預留部分刮畫位置 — 寓意讓大家 與我們攜手為香港、本會服務使用者刮走暗淡,走出低 谷,添上色彩,迎接光明的未來。 愈是面對未知的困難,我們更不應放棄對光明來臨的期 盼。「 憑信念 」,「 創機會 」方能「 傳希望 」。 From neon signs to the Lion Rock, Hong Kong is such a beautiful and energetic city where SRACP has been rooting for many decades. Although we encountered many difficulties in the past year, we will ultimately overcome the obstacles. This year, the cover design is illustrated by 3D graphics to depict Hong Kong’s unique features. We add the “scratch art” element and would like to invite everyone, to scrape away the darkness of Hong Kong and our service users. Let’s welcome a brighter future and fill it with colours. When encountering difficulties, we should never give up our FAITH , so that we can create OPPORTUNITY and stay with HOPE . 封面設計概念 Front Cover Design Concept