
38 Strengthen Family Relationship and Well-being Strengthen family relationship and enhance ex-offenders’ wellbeing played important roles in rehabilitation. To connect the prisoners with their family members, workers conveyed family members to prison visit regularly. ISCs also organised festival programmes to facilitate ex-offenders to rebuild family relationship. Tsz Wan Shan Revival Hub organised “Children Love Pets” activity for rehabilitated ex-offenders with their family members and children to build up caring attitude and competence. Furthermore, the Society has co-worked with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association of Hong Kong to organise “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” since March 2019. Comprehensive supporting services were continued to facilitate healthy living environment for the children of ex-offenders to prevent cross- generation recidivism. 強化家庭關係推廣身心靈健康 健康的家庭關係及正面生活模式對更生人士康 復之路尤為重要。我們協助在囚人士與家人保 持連繫,例如定期接載家屬到監獄探望在囚人 士,以及在囚期間或出獄前為更生人士的家人 提供支援。綜合服務中心舉辦大型節日活動, 讓更生人士及其家人一起感受節日氣氛,協助 他們重建家庭關係。慈康滙舉辦「兒童愛動物 小學堂」活動,讓更生人士的家人及兒童有機 會接觸溫馴和接受過訓練的貓狗,以培養愛心 及增加其能力感。 此外,本會於二零一九年三月與小童群益會共 同開展「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」,繼續為 更生人士子女提供全面支援,幫助他們建立一 個健康的成長環境,避免出現跨代犯罪。 舉行大型節日活動,讓更生人士與家人感受節日氣氛, 重建家庭關係。 Mass programmes were organised in festivals to strengthen family linkage and rebuild family relationship. 朋輩支援員藉着自己的經歷和才能,轉 化成「助人者」身份,投身服務,以生命 影響生命。 Peer supporters transformed their identity into helping others instead of being helped. They influenced others’ life with their valuable experience and talent. 少數族裔濫藥人士透過表達藝術小組認識自身優勢, 提升個人效能感。 Ethnic minority drug users understood their strengths and enhanced their sense of competence through the expressive art group.