
39 ISCs continued to help service users develop positive lifestyle in various programmes. Last year, Hong Kong Revival Hub integrated the rehabilitation elements, such as healthy diet and sexual health to organise programmes, including “Run for Our Life”, “Fun Hiking Activities”, “Health Desserts Class” and “Love & Sex”. Yau Ma Tei Revival Hub continued “Fruity Project” and health talks for users. Kin Sang Revival Hub arranged community volunteers to prepare healthy soup and food for users in regular programmes. Quality Counselling and Case Management System In order to enhance the service quality for users, ISC colleagues learned and applied different knowledge and therapies on top of evidence-based practice, such as Good Lives Model. Under the cooperation with Probation Offices as well as Clinical Psychologist and Court Social Work Service, ISCs have continued to launch therapeutic groups for those affected by repetitive stealing behavior and sex-related offence respectively for the fifth year. By using Good Lives Model, supplemented with adventure training elements, social workers assisted group members to understand their underlying needs, stress and prevent reconviction caused by repetitive behavior. In the coming year, ISC colleagues will strengthen their skills in applying Good Lives Model in casework and intervention groups at CSD institutions. Furthermore, the case management system (ORSIS) has been revamped to enhance the accuracy of statistic reporting. 綜合服務中心以不同方式協助更生人士建立正 面生活態度。港康滙結合健康飲食、性健康等 主要復康元素,推行「尋回跑隊」、「高山低谷行 山團」、「秋日甜蜜蜜」及「醫情醫性」等計劃。油 康滙舉辦了「生果大行動」和健康講座,建康滙 則定期安排社區義工為會友預備健康湯水和食 物,提升服務使用者的健康意識。 提供優質輔導及強化個案管理 除了實證為本的介入手法外,綜合服務中心的 團隊積極學習和應用不同的輔導理論,例如美 好生命模式。綜合服務中心繼續和感化辦事處 合作,在心理學家和法院社工的協作下,連續 第五年為有盜竊習慣和性罪行困擾之人士舉 辦治療性小組,及提供支援服務。小組以美好 生命模式帶領,並加入歷奇元素,讓成員更了 解自己的需要及壓力來源,從而減低其重犯危 機。 我們下年度將在個案工作和懲教院所舉辦的小 組上應用美好生命模式,以深化服務效果。另 外,本會持續優化「服務資料及數據統一電腦 系統」,以提供更全面的服務統計報告。 來自香港教育大學的社區義工為服務使用者預備營養湯水,送上關懷。 Community Volunteers from Education University of Hong Kong prepared nutritious soup and showed their care to service users. 義工製作守護者公仔。 Volunteers participated in the “Doodle Doll Project: Be my Protecto”.