
3 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message 過去一年充滿挑戰性,連串的社會事件,各階 層的訴求,打破了平靜的生活,社會撕裂前 所未有。及至農曆新年,又來新型冠狀病毒衝 擊,戴口罩、社交距離、在家工作等等抗疫措 施令人更覺孤寂,人人自危,愈加深精神鬱 悶,弱勢社群不知何去何從? 香港善導會作為社會服務機構,倍感責無旁 貸。一年以來,約八千人被捕,遠超法院社工 支援服務的能力。故此,本會向社會福利署申 請撥款,成立為期兩年的「法院社工服務 2.0 」, 增加外展服務到醫院、警署、法院等,為被捕 人士及其家人提供諮詢和輔導服務,陪伴他們 建立精神耐力以應付漫長的司法程序,減輕他 們的壓力和情緒困擾,增強他們的解難能力和 法治精神,協助他們重新融入社會。 除了以上服務外,本會同時擴展精神健康服 務、職業服務和社會企業、社區教育和義工服 務等等以應對新的需要。 以精神健康服務為例,有見市民在高壓環境下 生活,影響精神健康,社會福利署於去年增撥 資源,讓本會兩間精神健康綜合社區中心加強 社區工作和青少年精神健康服務,盡早察覺情 緒困擾,盡早提供適切的紓緩及疏導服務。 Last year was challenging for us. There were social incidents. There were civil demands. All these gave rise to unprecedented conflicts which disrupted our daily routines. Then came the coronavirus pandemic around the Lunar New Year in January 2020. Wearing face masks, social distancing, working from home, and other public health measures aggravated the feeling of loneliness. When everybody is vulnerable and vexed, who would bother to serve the disadvantaged? As a social service organisation, the SRACP felt more duty bound. In the past few months, there were approximately 8,000 persons arrested. This number far exceeded the capacity of our existing Court Social Work Service. We therefore applied for extra funding from the Social Welfare Department to start a 2-year programme — “Court Social Work Service 2.0”. This programme extended outreaching services to hospitals, police stations and enhanced outreaching services to courts. Consultations and counselling services were provided to the arrested persons and their families. Our social workers would follow through the lengthy court proceedings with them. We strive to build up their stamina, reduce stress and enhance their problem-solving skills. We hope to enhance the spirit of the rule of law and prepare them for reintegration into the society. Apart from the above, we have expanded Mental Health Service, Employment Service and Social Enterprise, Community Education and Volunteer Service to cope with the new demands. In view of the increased stress which might have affected the mental health of the public, the Social Welfare Department has provided more resources for the SRACP. This enables our Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) to strengthen community work and youth mental health services. We stress that early detection of mood problems is important. Timely professional intervention is essential. 李瀚良 Patrick LI