
53 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 培訓及發展高危少數族裔青少年成 為義工朋輩 義工朋輩於少數族裔社群中擔當一個非常重要 的角色,是我們與社群的溝通橋樑,有助打破 文化及語言的障礙,協助推行少數族裔禁毒服 務。我們培訓高危少數族裔青少年成為義工朋 輩,提升參加者建立有意義、健康生活模式的 信心;而他們於社群中推廣禁毒資訊,可為他 人樹立榜樣。 To Train and Promote Non-Chinese Ethnic Youths Becoming Peer Volunteers Peers volunteers play an important role in the ethnic minorities community and serve as a communication bridge between the community and us, for overcoming the cultural and language barriers, and hence to promote the drug prevention work in the community. Meanwhile, we provide the peer volunteer training to the non-Chinese ethnic youths, with the aim to enhance their confidence and capabilities in building a meaningful and healthy lifestyle. It also creates platform for participants to promote anti- drug information among community and be a role model to other high-risk youths. We also set up a promotion ladder for enhancing participants’ commitment to the programme and providing goal attainment opportunities. Participants with satisfactory performance in training, such as good punctuality, willing to follow instructions and learning actively, etc, social workers will then conduct an assessment and recommend an internship opportunity as peer volunteer, including assisting staff to lead activities, conducting outreaching work, community education, etc. 計劃設有晉升階梯,參加者如培訓表現理想, 例如準時參加、服從指令、積極學習等,將獲 安排與社工會面並推薦晉升為義工朋輩,提供 包括協助職員帶領活動、外展工作、社區教育 工作等實習活動,有助提升他們參加培訓的動 機,及持續服務社群。 高危少數族裔青少年為香港尼泊爾人聯會舉辦的「國際無毒 日」演出,向尼泊爾社群宣揚無毒信息。 Non-Chinese ethnic youths at high risk participated in the “World Drug Day” organised by the Hong Kong Nepalese Federation to promote the drug-free message to the Nepalese community. 與「醫護行者」合作舉 辦 定 期 的 健 康 檢 查 日,為參加者提供各 種健康檢查和講座。 We collaborated with “Health In Action” and organised regular health check-up day for participants. 朋輩支援員指導高危少數族裔青少年基本平面設計技術, 並為本會的網上外展及活動設計宣傳品,推廣健康信息。 Peer supporter instructed non-Chinese ethnic youths at high risk to learn basic graphic design techniques and design promotional materials for online outreaching and programme to promote health information. 高危少數族裔青少年參加表達藝術活動,透過探索和 了解自己,規劃「無毒人生」。 Non-Chinese ethnic youths at high risk joined expressive art programme, through exploring and understanding themselves to plan their own “anti-drug journey”.