
4 Apart from the existing vocational training and job-matching programmes, our Employment Service has expanded its services to disadvantaged youths by providing career planning and start-up financial assistance. From May 2020, “The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund” has sponsored the SRACP to start a 3-year programme “BEHub”. We would target disadvantaged groups to join the programme. It aims to inspire participants to solve social problems with innovative ideas and use these ideas in starting up businesses. At the same time, there will be more projects provided by our Community Education and Volunteer Service for students and volunteers. We try to facilitate critical thinking, to promote the understanding of the rule of law, and to prepare them for future challenges. Last year, Mr. Andy NG Wang-tsang retired from the post of Chief Executive. We greatly appreciate Andy’s contributions over these years. Ms. Anthea LEE Shuk-wai was appointed the Chief Executive in September 2019. I hope Anthea would maintain the current services and lead SRACP to cope with social needs with innovation. I am confident that she would start a new era for the SRACP. With the support of all staff, we shall continue to diversify. Milestones Establishment “Innovative mind with a social heart” is the vision of the SRACP. To achieve this goal, we have established a 5-year strategic plan for future development along the following axes. To Transform Lives “Everyone shines in his own way.” — we believe everyone can contribute to the society. Although some people might be in predicament because of momentary slip, they might have succumbed to difficult circumstances or affected by mental stress, somehow there is always hope. We pledge to transform their lives, by counselling and companionship, so that they can reintegrate and contribute to the society again. 在原有的培訓及就業配對外,職業服務也進 一步加強協助弱勢青少年的職涯規劃和創業 輔助。自今年五月起,「社會創新及創業發展基 金」委聘本會為協創機構,展開為期三年的創 新計劃「社創社」,全力推動弱勢社群參與,啟 發他們改善社會問題的創意點子,成為社創企 劃的原型及初創業務。而社區教育及義工服務 也將陸續推出多個項目,加強學生及義工們的 反思能力,鞏固法治精神,協助這社群面對未 來。 今年,總幹事吳宏增先生退休,非常多謝他多 年來的貢獻。自九月起,由李淑慧女士出任 本會總幹事。本會在各人努力下,繼續多元發 展,我更期待在李淑慧女士領導下,能穩守以 往的社會服務,同時以創新思維回應社會需 要,為香港善導會邁向下一個里程碑揭開序 幕。 訂立里程碑 「轉化作貢獻,多元臻關愛」是本會深化機構願 景的總結。為此,本會訂定五年策略性發展目 標,為未來定下基調,主要包括以下幾個主軸: 轉化生命 我們深信「天生我才必有用」,每一個生命都能 貢獻社會。儘管曾因一念之差、環境所迫、精 神壓力等陷入困境,然而「困境」不是「絕境」。 本會堅持以專業輔導和陪伴體諒去轉化這個社 群,陪他們走過低谷,融入社會再作貢獻。